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Everything posted by Dask

  1. Bro I have account on West too so, we're not gonna lose each other. Finito is waiting for us ;p
  2. Ναι άντε γιατί θα δείρεις και εμάς σε λίγο !
  3. I don't know a lot of ppl who playing in 1000-1100 so, no. Sorry :/
  4. You love to jungle with Pantheon since when? Since TheOddOne stream with playing as Pantheon in the Jungle? Come on :/
  5. TRYNDA ! Ontopic: Runes for AD Carries 1st: Flat AD Red/Quint Flat armor yellow Attack speed blue 2nd: Flat AD Red Armor Pen Quint Armor yellow Attack speed blue IF YOU SUCK AT LAST HITTING YOUR PAGE IS THE 2ND ONE WE DONE OK LOCK FAST.
  6. και τι για να πας να τον δείρεις; To σπίτι το ξέρεις τι περιμένεις;
  7. There is an example from a ranked game that I played yesterday 26 games and 1600+ ehmmm :/
  8. Guardsman is 2k+, no need to type ;p. Anyway, when we were going duo with Anima he were always playing jungle. That was 90% success. It's good if you have a guy to go duo. About picks there is a difficulty, cause you know. 1100, they can't discuss, they will just tell you "you're last pick" bla bla. I used to play Akali when I was at 1350-1450 but she was my main. I suggest you anyway to play a champion that you know how to play him (τον έχεις τερματήσει) and you think that you gonna succes with him. Stop raging ;d, mute everyone, don't speak. If you think that you gonna lose, surrender at 20 and next game.
  9. http://mitsubishi-nissan.tk/nissan-370z-nismo-kit.html
  10. Yep, propably greek IP's have a problem. We were playing a game yesterday and suddenly we freezed when enemies playing normally and take our base. Even tho, try all these things with firewall, reinstall etc if you have still the problem. You don't have anything to lose.
  11. So, Noble is the perfect example. Cuase I'm playing with him and I can tell that he deserve smth more than 1120, like ppl who are in 600 must be even lower, so they can't play ranked games anymore.
  12. Yeah whatever. Everyone has an excuse when he's losing a game. But when you win a match you post it here and you thing that you're pro.I'm not talking 'bout you but in general. Ye I know sometimes you're losing games cause of retarded kids and drunked ppl who stayed and play at night or morning or w/e. But COME ON! He's 600 elo. No excuses 'bout that. He's just a bad player and he worth it. EDIT: About me, I'm playing in 1600 and there are many ppl who deserve lower thatn 700 elo. So they get carried, cause they were smart. If someone playing a ranked, and he said "I can play support" and he's picking a 2nd AD/AP Carry or whatever, then he deserve to lose. You think that in games on 500 elo they asked about support/ad/jungle etc?
  13. And Ezreal, and that guinsoos thing too from shop ;d
  14. You think that 1000/1250 or even 1500 there are really good players? There is Elo hell even in 1500+ Now, about your elo, it means smth. If you're too good then, you could win the 1st matches that it gave you 45 elo. If you're too good, you could carry 'em. The thing that you're playing in 600-800 elo means a lot.
  15. Wake up. And all of these, I have the same questions ;p
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