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Everything posted by Dask

  1. Sorc Boots Hextech Gunblade (don't forget his active) Rylais scepter Rabadon's Deathcap Void Staff Abyssal Scepter
  2. Brutalizer-> Youmus Ghostblade 2 Blood Thirsters Guardian Angel Last Whisper or Infinity Edge Mercury Boots.
  3. Nerfing Riven, come on ! Seriously? She needs a huge buff and instead of this they reduce her health regeneration and damage from Q. Like she deal TONS OF DAMAGE with Q only.
  4. [GR]Που είναι το δύσκολο, να δεις πάνω δεξία όταν σκοτώσεις δράκο τον χρόνο π.χ 17:20 και να γράψεις στο chat ότι βγαίνει πάλι στο 23:20? Το ίδιο για το Nashor, buffs κλπ. On topic: Anyway is a cool program from new ppl.
  5. Καλή φάση αλλά γιατί μόνο 3v3, θα μπορούσαν να κάνουν και τα 2.
  6. How many ppl in this forum you think that they are "good" players?\ Of course Trynda will be 1st when poll will close.
  7. I had the same problem yesterday but in champion loading screen. Well try to close your firewall or restart your PC/Modem. If it isn't works try to re-install and if the problem still exist go to LoL Forums :S
  8. Is Ashe balanced if we compare her with Graves or Vayne? Or Caitlyn's range? YAY
  9. Dask


    και τι, θα σου βάλει 10 με τόνο;
  10. Is Veigar mate, 1 AP per minion kill and 5 ap per champion. Isn't Karthus or Malzahar.
  11. το ενδεχόμενο ότι μπορεί να έχει πρόβλημα όπως τα καρκινόματα που έχεις εσύ στον εγκέφαλο για να θεωρείς αυτό το πράγμα αστείο το σκέφτηκες;
  12. Αs long I stayed in Innova I think it was pretty nice. I suggest it if you don't know what to join. Prefer Innova.
  13. είδα το video και πραγματικά ακόμα ψάχνω να δω το αστείο να γελάσω και εγώ σήμερα που δεν έχω όρεξη αλλά δεν.
  14. δεν θα γελούσες αν ήσουν στη θέση του
  15. After 40 minutes of game, and we didn't lost a single team fight our morde decided to go afk. He said "is lost don't wanna waste my time" when i was soloing 3 of them, he gave a free win. I can't wait for the time that i'll be outside from this HELL.
  16. When you go in eBay chech their feedbacks. They guy that i buyed mine skin had 100% feedback in 600 customers lol ;d
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