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Everything posted by akaa

  1. DrHouse.absolutely the best choice if not try brut.
  2. I tried to add it in old archid but i got error in AdminDmEngine over here: if (!(checkLevel(activeChar.getAccessLevel()) && activeChar.isGM())) return false;
  3. akoma perimenoume.den 3erw anisixw :P
  4. ok ... !!!!. . .1.1!>!>!1.1.1!!>!>!>!>!>11.1.11.!>!>!>!11.1.....!!!!>....!!!>1
  5. ti ginete me gallas? ton p o u l o ti den katalabeneis:P?
  6. maybe the have added some backdoors for the leechers [?]
  7. Thx rizel for gifting us with this event. =]
  8. Enjoy this video made by DrLecter with Code Swarm representing the changes made to the L2j Project source code since 2004. The names that appear are from the developers who have made changes to the source code. The stars/highlights represent file commits made to the subversion repository. The histogram to the bottom left displays activity. Look out for the date displayed in the right bottom corner. WATCH IN 720p HD Optional: Core only video and Datapack only video. The long void during 2006 correspond to our server switch from OpenSVN to l2jserver.com and the rest are from the code freeze period that we take before a new release launch. We have even found some lost scrolls containing our old CVS repositories. Code Swarm is an experiment for organic software visualization, you can find more information and download its source code to create your own swarm from their Google Code Project
  9. http://www.pokemonindigo.com/
  10. spam in a section that there is no post count :o ?? he's right
  11. actually it seems something more than fake :P
  12. EPIC OnTopic: Really useless what about trade?
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