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Everything posted by akaa

  1. Nai re FDB Inside iparxi problima? Kolimeno ise?
  2. re file ama ise fail mn postaris re file M tn dinoune kapoioi san esena m 0 knowledge wannabe Ama dn kseris gt pragmata milame mn postaris s parakalw!! @ontopic Linux Debian Fix garbage collector Sikonis 400 atoma me lag 300 ka8ara
  3. o nekys s kanei ri8misis k me tn 3 gb ram sikonis 400 atoma xalara www.monokernel.com/gameservers iparxi k 3gb ram alla dn t leei mesa ine 40 eyro miliste me nekys pm me gia t msn t
  4. www.monokernel.com pio ftini k dexete k trapeza i mporis kai www.santrex.net
  5. you must be a EPIC Fail right? Or the dumpest guy in the earth? Or the most looooled IQ or something like that! If you dont know go to hell
  6. we start it to be playable and there are some things that sure we wont see them and need report if y got balls make your server none from l2j servers starts succesfull w/o bug etc.. So dont play the pro on me
  7. l0ok we try our best we spent all our fay for fixes so can y stop yelling like shits? Thnx Ryan!
  8. buy apellas :) 50 pvp farm 1 hour same=s grade
  9. yesterday on 11:34 was 32 online too much pvp i got some pics elfs and d elfs same both sides
  10. Yes we know it we are working on a good anti bot dont care we will fix them all we are 2 days on
  11. we will remove imperial tomb and varka for now
  12. alt pvo gain same ip .... i saw b grades fucking s grades and i can take a pic if y want
  13. Are y serious? Skill dont work? Enemy cant be killed? OMG Kidding me? S Grade throught craft area = 50 pvp to acces and 1 hour you got all gear + blessed scrolls that is 100% ok now i answer y?
  14. Omg is the project what realtek lol And now i am making spots for cemetary
  15. who y try to hit? cause we fix all this issues!
  16. adding anti dual box right now and also fixig cp's :) and nukers ftw? i dont thing so
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