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Everything posted by akaa

  1. Rates: 200x Adena : 150x Vote Reward System : Every 50 votes A Raid will be spawned(random choice) Till A Grade items you will have ability on weapons and armors will be not sealed. S grade armors will be sealed on gmshop and weapons will not have SA and will be expensive. ENCHANT SCROLLS WILL BE ALSO EXPENSIVE. In order to unseal your armor,you will need AA which will be farmed in CATACOMBS(retail like) Weapons also will require Soul Crystals which will be dropped from raid bosses. Event Vote NPC : There will be a NPC which you will be able to vote which event you want to start.And every one hour the most voted event will start and votes will be reseted to 0. NO CUSTOM ITEMS. When you enter a raid boss zone you will be checked if you have a party and if you dont you will be teleported to the nearest town. Bosses Will be customized with our own drops and stats. Give me your opinion.
  2. Server mod: Elves v D elves Protections: Anti Phx Uknown Packets Anti Phx Enchant Anti Phx Announce Anti Phx Critical Error Anti Phx\ L2JAttacker Script Anti Phx Multisell Enchant L2J Attacker L2J Killer L2J Killer v2 Noobish Error Other flood shits which were flooding for example ; BufferUnderflow wont work. Reworked mmocore Fix all trade bugs Fix for Critical stun/Critical Drain Skill Fix for Pet Enchant Exploit Fix for Pet Bug Full Flood Protectors Fix for Overenchant Trade Bug Fix for all stuck s/a's Java force bug fixed Fix for Class master stuck skills Fix for Subclass bug Bluff Working retail-like Blows/backstab retail like with some chance working from front/side(you can disable it). And much much more that I wont write because im bored. Special Features Included in the source: Full Olympiad based on the mod. Map system with config. Vote Reward system[For Gamesites 200,Topzone,Hopzone]. Additional/Optional[3 euro for each]; 1v1 events. 2v2 events. 3v3 events. Hide and seek event. Rain^ mainly worked on core side and made the mod of our server. I worked on npcs which are included in the pack! Price ; 25 euro via paypal , 30 euro via paysafecard ( 3 pscs of 10 euro). How to contact me ? just pm me. If just want to flame,spam or you are a hater just dont post :).
  3. omfg i have done it in lots of servers and lagged only me! Come on
  4. is a voiced command how it is supposed to be them most hacked explain us please
  5. yes really trustfull my server got some services from him not this just some fixes and we still choose him
  6. i told y i thing i wasnt sure but 1 from those i saw them on la2base anyway good sells
  7. Why i thing all are shared in la2base.ru ?
  8. also www.monokernel.com is ok with their vps
  9. 3rd time? Loled we opened once only and is down for remake so is 2nd...Lunatic wasnt ma project
  10. Oly will be setted to choose only faction vs faction put we will not put oly on start ;D
  11. http://l2epicwars.org/forum/index.php?topic=44.0 read....
  12. It will be a 3ple faction is not common :/ so is unique
  13. Now we will have balance teams cause we will have managers and no more bugs believe me we are based on l2jfree l2j got some problems we will see...
  14. Neversoft ti n s pw agori mou akou emena k tn jve i apla Fail san tn legend tecpa ante ya apo to topic n voithisw i8ela tecpa
  15. Vps kai? Server dn sikonete eki m akouw tr alla k alla vps low cost Dedicated High Cost
  16. //fail s leme oti sikonis osa s lew eki exoun 100 mbps net esi oute 1 mbps upload exis opote?
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