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Everything posted by StanMirel

  1. Un server calumea de pvp IL numai exista ...m-am plictisit si de knockout cu tatto si maska aia astept 31231 ani s-a futut l2`u grav...
  2. du`i in plm cand au deschis serveru au zis SAFE/MAX +10 for 3 days. La nici 24 de ore spune SAFE BACK +3 ! Pai cum fmm de animal astia au toti +10 si eu imi omor spatele cu farmu . Nici macar wipe ...
  3. http://l2.hopzone.net/lineage2/moreinfo/LKnockOuTPvP/83465.html#anchior care`i ip-u?
  4. am eu iteme in l2dubai plm dai add la goldye_94 si vb pe mess
  5. Well i am sicked of that server and i wana trade/sell my account for account in other server Gear:Dyna L +25,Dyna R+25 full rdb jwels +25 a lot of wepons +25 Augments :pasives- pasive duel might ,shield lvl , m def,evasion (on different bows ofc) empower wild magic shield (on diferent zeus) maces ofc) Actives: might,duel might,shield,magic barrier,agility,heal ewmpoer,cheer,reflect dmg ,spell refresh,bless body,wild magic ,empower,ritual, clarity, and i still have some but i dont remember know. If you play on l2knockout and you are intersted pm : del1rium
  6. can u tell me other way to fiind ip of l2knockout ? coz after i press netstat-n on cmd it appears and dissapears after 2 seconds lol P.S if some1 know the ip of l2knockout i would apreciate if he post
  7. I am looking for l2net interlude with guides and everything how i use it
  8. Client: Interlude Exp: Highrated Drop:Medium Zones farm: 2zones: 1 safe zone/ 1pvp/pk zone with mobs who drop life stone Event: TvT with nice rewards and all this crap RaidBoss zones: Ofc(Retail spawn) Donations list: Not overpowred donations like l2dubai or l2gand where donators get gear that a normal players cant get or donations for pasives augments Custom:NO Safe/max: 3/16
  9. Phoenix Knight or Eva`s Templer ,Sps is also god when you use that skills who increase cast speed(dont remember now)
  10. a server like you are asking is just doesnt exist
  11. www.l2freepvp.com [Epilogue] mass pvp server. www.l2java.com [interlude] also mass pvp server.
  12. +1 i loged on server. Is just a epic fail
  13. left after 3h of play on that server are just to many NABS!
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