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Everything posted by StanMirel

  1. tyrant owns in fr tyrant owns on freya/epilogue
  2. i heared that dyna armor can be use only by heros,i am right?
  3. am la franceza o dementa din prost si idiot nu ma scoate...
  4. inca o zi si dupaia iar la scoala ....
  5. still a fail now they lowered bless enchant only to get money for donations
  6. nice share but i prefer fight for pvp i think for that is l2 to feel the character
  7. wtf u spam here u have only 20 posts ? u need 100 to view stop spam ...
  8. i am gonna play coz it remember about gold, oldschool server here i lived the best times since i play l2 P.s i hope you wont close if after 1 wekk..
  9. e titanic pe protv am vazut filmu de 7 ori si tot ma sparge:))
  10. i rlly dunno why but i have a feling about the farm and i think it will be fucking hard...
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