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Everything posted by StanMirel

  1. i loged and left after 5min ...it is like the all servers --->epic fail
  2. you lost your girlfriend i am right?
  3. Ελλάδα Ρουμανία νίκησε οποτεδήποτε, οπουδήποτε καλύτερα
  4. Welcome dude P.s :if you arent greek never post on their spam topic ...is the worst sin...
  5. thats my teacher says :)) xaaxa
  6. no custom? gtfo is full of custom
  7. how is server easy farm some1 can tell me?
  8. haide sa ninga pana miercuri sigur nu ma duc la scoala
  9. deci calculator ca al meu nu am mai vazut :| isi da rr odata la 10 minute de la placa video .... P.s si eu am AMD E LEMN!
  10. nu e ? e kterink sa`i vezi pe toti cum se crizeaza si te injura :)) Nu joc tot timpu cu cod ,foarte rar se intampla ...
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