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Everything posted by StanMirel

  1. du`i in plm daca nu sunt romani ca cauta aici ?
  2. CLAR!! Esti fan Ben10 ? Hai nb P.s au futut si cartonu .... era mai smecher cand eram mic
  3. My way to enchant: I buy 3 wepons and some scrolls. I make the first wepon 3 and after i start to enchant the others. After the others 2 are +1 or 2 i start enchant the wepon +3 and so until i will remain with only 1 wepon. I deposite on wh i buy again 3 wepons and start do the same after i got some wepons +++ i get them out of wh and i echant them with a lot of pain! Voila!
  4. Dude, l3=terra online . L3=this year imposible to apear maybe on 2012 ...
  5. tools-options-tabs-warn me when closing multiple tabs bifezi casuta
  6. Ecsact , da mxc parca avea server de l2 .Ce s-a intamplat cu el?
  7. Welcome dude (if you aren't romanian never visit our spam topic )
  8. Eu tot nu inteleg cva .. Dc fac astia reclama la l2pegasus si l2dominion ca alea sunt lemn...
  9. dar daca vrei nu poti sa-l ceri inapoi ?
  10. 1.custom are fail 2.echant to big .. come`on lol why when someone does a server the enchant must be over 30 lool ....i think 20 is much than better
  11. nu stiu am venit de la scoala si am vazut din greseala karma -2
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