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Everything posted by StanMirel

  1. http://www.bestjobs.ro/joboscope/index/ Huh ce mi-a dat`o ! Stan Mirel, jobul tau ideal este:Mirositor-Tester la o fabrica de deodoranti pentru sportivi :) ! =)))
  2. In interlude care pasiva e mai buna : might lvl 10 sau duel might lvl 10 ? sau e la fel dmg`u ?
  3. Huh? Have you ever seen a l2java with custom who is balanced ?
  4. Daca fac posts la spam topic imi da adena ?
  5. At his home . Low the max enchant omfg.....
  6. Lol ? And what about the newbies ? Are u crazy ?? Already epic fail ...
  7. Nice features dude gl with server . Huh? Why everyone is crying here about the server ? Server go forum go and post there.
  8. Eu de cand am net nu inteleg cva . Astia straini spun : Have you msn ? Msn=yahoo messenger sau ce ? Fara kterinci gen prostu, etc...
  9. Welcome and gl on spamm...
  10. La multi ani si cum a spus pwnz0r mai departe :))
  11. str+4 con-4 dex+4 con -4 The dyes i am using when i play on archer.
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