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Everything posted by StanMirel

  1. lol ce clasa esti ? cum plm eu mai prost ma duc de azi
  2. ecsact in 1h si 30 de min plec la puscarie
  3. Features are nice like l2europa and when i loged it was a epic fail..
  4. daca nu era topicu asta degeaba era mxc
  5. Welcome i hope you wont get ban again but i think it will happen
  6. Omfg for l3 u must untill 2012 no chance for this year ,chill out:>
  7. Ma te rup ma ! :)) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QmkNF1AAxk&feature=related
  8. Homosexuali sunt singuri oameni care se bucura cand intra in cacat! :))
  9. I rlly dont think you can do that....coz is maded by ncsoft and is default...
  10. Change that color is hard to read..
  11. Full donate server where donators have 3 donated skills from different classes.
  12. Manelistu fumat e cel mai prost om de pe planeta! :)) aoleu :))
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