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Everything posted by StanMirel

  1. hm for bishop u really need a lot of experience especialy on low-rate server where mp pots doesnt exist
  2. it works on your homemade server where protection doesnt exist
  3. 500-1000 instant lvl 80 ! WTF i dont understand the retards who make servers with grade penalty aio buffers or other shits ! LOL if i log on l2javaserver I WANA PVP NO LVL UP or all this shits !
  4. what do you expect from a homemade?
  5. i think it works only in to noobs server P.s i never found a server a noob server..only corvus
  6. i think on server is a special coins for hero
  7. i think on server is a special coins for hero
  8. Clans from servers that i used to play : PVPonly ,AngelsCruelty,N1nja,ModusViveni,Rolled,Alkatraz,fearless,DM,SPQR, and much more but i dont remember now
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