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Everything posted by StanMirel

  1. i am sure that the augmenter will say :AUGMENTATION FAILED !
  2. yea its fucked i got full augments in 2 and i must w8 for this shits like tatto and mask
  3. mai joc putin vreau sa fac inc 2 augmente si ma bag pe reality ala no custom
  4. pla prea dificil de folosit pentru mine mai bine farmez
  5. duel might activa si might/duel might pasive restu am full am spart 1miliard enria si mai am
  6. cine o fi inventant chance`urile la l2 e cel mai prost de pe pamant ! 2 augmente imi mai tre si pula!
  7. eu joc pe knockout imi mai tre 3-4 augmente si fac full e rupere cu scriptu
  8. am iesit si eu nb all p.s se baga cnv pe ala l2reality au deschis unu no custom
  9. cum se face ca toti care i-au zis trusted seller sunt romani ? :))
  10. max enchant is to big , idk if ppl would like to have starwars on server...i think 20 is much better
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