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Everything posted by StanMirel

  1. pff uitati-va la donations shop din joc . life stone ,bless, si alte kkturi doar de la donatii....
  2. cand te loghezi iti apare lag 9999 dupa care se schimba la 500-600 :))
  3. soz wrong section mod delete pls this post
  4. asta trance http://l2blackcrystal.ucoz.net
  5. Donate List Enchant Dyn Weapon|Dyn Armor|Rb Rings +30 All = 10 Euro Halisha Weapons +0 = 20 Euro Halisha Weapons +35 = 25 Euro Clan Clan LvL 8 Full Points = 20 Euro Clan LvL 8 Full Points Full Clan Skills = 25 Euro Powers Every Month Hero ForEver = 50 Euro Skills 1 Active Aggoument Buff Skill = 10 Euro 2 Passive Aggoument Buff Skill = 10 Euro 1 Active Aggoument Attack Skill = 20 Euro clar, omu are cunostinte aprofundate in l2
  6. frumos deja o arde cu disconnect...i-a zis masa sa stinga calculatoru
  7. haah am gasit pozele de pe corvus cand aveam 7 pasive si 7 active :))
  8. 330 downloaduri tre sa fie vreo 10 oameni si full custom...
  9. nu aveam nevoie da am vazut ca sunt multi hero romani, oricum ma enerveaza faza cu vote si cu gold dragon
  10. pune si tu siteu ca ma plictisesc pe l2knockout sa augmetez.
  11. mama ce plictisitor e sa stai sa augmentezi...
  12. hahaha nice one l2dubai bugland...
  13. belive me google translate is the most retarded way to translate it is full or erors and other crap
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