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Everything posted by StanMirel

  1. lol greci au umplut deja 80 de pagini animalele
  2. is home-made just chill i am sure he will day faster than a pig in a christmas week
  3. plm pune optiunea de pk direct cand ai dat in om gata pk`u sau cand dai in mob sa te flaghezi sa vezi dupaia pvp server :))
  4. superbad ai vazut ? zombieland mai e misto iarasi
  5. am si 4 augmente cacioase e plictiseala sa stai sa augmentezi :)) a si mi se pare ca nu sunt nici multi donatori...
  6. L2knockout IL pvp server ,very easy farm 1 hour full gear , i rlly recomand to play . Server Info The servers rates are 5000x 5000x Drop 7x Server Mods: - Full GM shops - Full NPC Buffers Costum Items -Dynasty armors -Epic Weapons - TvT System - PvP Areas - Special Events - Global Gatekeeper - Friendly & Active Gamemasters - More features Inside o ya i forget www.l2knockout.com P.s i am not gm or staff member only wana to help server have more players for more pvp
  7. l2phx cand intri in joc merge iti arata pacheturile alea da scriptu nu stiu
  8. pwnzore ce da tatto ala ? dont mess with the zohan daca nu l-ai vazut
  9. e chiar misto ,plm unul dintre cele mai bune servere pe care le-am vazut cu exceptia mastilor
  10. quit it with your whole server done only for donations
  11. better i cut my hands than to play onl2dubai
  12. pe l2knockout e asa intr-o 1h faci iteme si augmentu ia mult
  13. n-am cum nici party nu pot sa dau plm am vreo 300 de minute jail pe o panarama de server
  14. balanced and no corruption server i recomand to join
  15. stie careva vreun bug ca sa ies din jail?
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