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Everything posted by StanMirel

  1. OMFG i am waiting for this server since midle of december
  2. Nea best look to see is a server is top . Step1. Discover the server(that is quite hard to find in these days) Step2.Download the patch from the website if the website exist and the link works Step3.Check if the server have forum Step4.Log on server with l2phx and if it works leave the server how fast you can Step5.Check pvp/safe/ ares if that aren't populated server is fail
  3. dk +16=50euros to much i played l2gold and this price is to high coz Dyna H+6=wepon +16 and wepon+10-14
  4. omfg dude this one is awesome Omfg he she had aids or syphillis even if you touch her underware you can take them ! TAKE CARE!
  5. L2Certus most epic failed server
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