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Everything posted by 'Baggos'

  1. Now i can't.. I have to leave... But take a look on gameserver console(gameserver.bat), for any errors.. And send here a picture...
  2. Για το Globalchat, πήγαινε στο "config\protected\flood.properties # GlobalChat - global chat flooding FloodProtectorGlobalChatInterval = 5 FloodProtectorGlobalChatLogFlooding = False FloodProtectorGlobalChatPunishmentLimit = 2 FloodProtectorGlobalChatPunishmentType = banchat FloodProtectorGlobalChatPunishmentTime = 1 (5 tick = 500ms) Τώρα για το tarde chat, ψάξε στο forum για κάποιο share για "flood protections".
  3. any error on gameserver console? Send us a photo from gs console..
  4. You can go at L2JServer site and take a look to drivers.
  5. Καλησπέρα. Για έτοιμο Η5 Project με NPCs μέσα κτλπ, δεν νομίζω να υπάρχει κάποιο. Μπορείς όμως να κατεβάσεις το L2JSunrise, να κάνεις compile τα αρχεία, και να αρχίζεις να δουλεύεις πάνω σε αυτό.. Εδώ μέσα θα βρεις οδηγούς για το πως κάνουμε compile, αλλά και μερικά npc για να βάλεις στον Server σου!
  6. Is not about weeks or days and etc, but the appetite you have. And of course the knowledge.. But first of all need to have appetite for what you do. The Lineage II (Dev), is somehow a lifestyle. Must to distinguish the "serious" with the "fun".
  7. I'm not sure, but try to go at "data\scripts\teleports\GrandBossTeleporters" and open the file "GrandBossTeleporters.java". If you search for Antharas, you will see this part: if (st.hasQuestItems(3865)) { st.takeItems(3865, 1); GrandBossManager.getInstance().getZoneById(110001).allowPlayerEntry(player, 30); player.teleToLocation(175300 + Rnd.get(-350, 350), 115180 + Rnd.get(-1000, 1000), -7709, 0); Not recommended to delete something, but change the quest item with some adena.. I say again, perhaps I'm wrong.. Just give a try..
  8. Το 80 δήλωνε 80% πιθανότητα.. Έτσι πηγαίνει, να ξέρεις..
  9. Δοκίμασε να κατεβάσεις αυτό: <set name="power" val="80"/>
  10. Τίποτα.. Ότι άλλο χρειαστείς ήμαστε εδώ.. (Ασχέτως τις "έξυπνες" απαντήσεις). :)
  11. final Set<Integer> items = PowerPakConfig.VOTES_REWARDS_LIST.keySet(); for (final Integer i : items) { // item = player.getInventory().getItemByItemId(i); // TODO: check on maxstack for item player.addItem("reward", i, PowerPakConfig.VOTES_REWARDS_LIST.get(i), player, true); Εδώ είναι, αλλά ψάξε στο gameserver/config/powerpak/powerpak.properties και θα δεις το Voterewards. # Automatic Vote Reward System VoteRewardSystem= False VotesRequiredForReward = 50 VotesSystemInitialDelay= 60000 VotesSystemStepDelay= 1800000 VotesRewards= 6392,20; # Leave empty to disable one site # # Hopzone: http://l2.hopzone.net VotesSiteHopZoneUrl = # Topzone: http://l2topzone.com VotesSiteTopZoneUrl = # L2Network: http://l2network.eu VotesSiteL2NetworkUrl = # Put your website url ServerWebSite = http://www.l2jfrozen.com
  12. What pack you use? (Take a look and on configs)..
  13. And this is one aspect.. yes. :troll:
  14. The "God" server is the life... :happyforever: But for go(o)d server, Check this.
  15. I think this you have to change for type of zone.. <zone type="TownZone" Now with your problem, make it as it was in the beginning, and change it as I said. Sorry if I'm wrong, but I have years to change something on Lineage.
  16. You have to change the settings of database_installer.bat with your database(navicat) info. btw, maybe your problem is on navicat connection. (Perhaps you have create connection "l2jdb"(or what name you use) and not database.). Send us a photo of navicat.
  17. Take a look around and find what you 're looking for. Maybe find and free files.. By your first post, immediately want to buy.. (aCis Project with a little work, obviously will satisfy you). There are many "sharks" be careful..
  18. Hello mate.. Because i don't understand well what you said about "aCis or L2J datapack and server from official l2server site", i have a question.. You use for example aCis datapack files, and gameserver files from other project? If yes, you can't do this.. The reasons is many.. For example, the scripts running via some java files and is not same from a project to other.. Here now... error "could not find or load main class net.sf.l2j.gsregistering.gameserverregister" Maybe you run the acis source files who downloaded on internet and is not compiled.. So, you trying to run the files from gameserver/disk.. If you do compile the source files, you can run it from "gameserver/build/dist". Take a look in this topic and the posts of topic..
  19. maybe your mind is not enough to understand 2 lines english [bad or not].
  20. Καλησπέρα.. Χθες το βράδυ αργά, σου έστειλα και skype αλλά μάλλον είχες βγει. μπήκα αργά.. Τώρα μόλις μπήκα ξανά, θα περιμένω να μου στείλεις.. Όσο για τα source, μην περιμένεις να μπορέσω να σου διορθώσω τα source, γιατι όπως σου είπα έχει κατεστραμένα αρχεία. Οπότε δεν θα γίνει ποτέ re-compile. Εκτός και αν μπορέσεις να βρεις από κάπου αλλού τα source του L2Pride. Όμως, σε αυτό που λες, "enas server xoris update kapoia stigmi pe8eni arga i grigora", έχεις δίκιο.. Εγώ να σου ανοίξω τον server να μπεις, όμως τι να λέει όταν δεν θα μπορείς να προσθέσεις κάτι νέο μέσω java? Είναι οξύμωρο το θέμα.. Γι'αυτό σου πρότεινα να προχωρίσεις σε άλλο Project. Η απόφαση είναι δική σου..
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