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Everything posted by NumL0ck

  1. Who can adapt for interlude?
  2. Thanks man, but i if you say [quote author=Pauler it is a little bad-coded. Maybe, I will share a new acm coded in jquery and php. Anyway, it works perfectly.) I wait new version :)
  3. because in l2finest is very good comunity board and other things
  4. OffTopic: Gerbiu tavo nuomone, esi tikrai saunus developeris, naudoju tavo bufferi :D bet esme tame, kad tu dirbi aCis, o as prie frozeno, zinoma jeigu aCis butu atviras ( jeigu nebutu tau atviras aCis tu ta sakytum apie ji ), galbut ir as padeciau jam ir dirbciau tik su juo, bet dabar frozenas man labiau prie sirdies, nes kaip ir minejau jis atviras. sorry for offtopic...
  5. Hello ppls in topic you see what need to me, but i think and to other ppls need this, because other ppls sell what pack with other name, but i think you guys have this in your pc, so please share with us. Sorry for my bad english... :o
  6. Omg dude its cool, you need make to all supports :D
  7. I think, no i don't think, FROZEN IS BEST!!!
  8. Hello zourass, here - http://www.l2failai.eu/forum/topic_359
  9. go away spammer!!!
  10. Who can adapt this to Interlude? Please ppls...
  12. Good work man!
  13. Its work on interlude? Because we with friend get error
  14. what can i get for help?
  15. Good work man, thanks.
  16. thanks:)
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