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Everything posted by Benihime

  1. Go on to ur "successful" Extreme srv and leave alone other servers :)
  2. So if u got ddos protection over 470 gb (is dat even possible?donno), it means dat u are completely immune to ddos attacks. About srv itself, it seems yet another get-max-ench+rb-jwl-then-farm-LS-4-life srv.
  3. Dude,I strongly suggest u shove a cucumber up ur bingohole. jaysus, all high-rate servers nowadays are da same and based on 2-3 free packs. Worst thing is,no1 knows how to fix em properly.
  4. Plain dumb.So now clans have an even bigger advantage.
  5. +1 for deleting resists and makin pet buffs 2min. If u done it right,dat means no more archers runnin and shootin everything down.
  6. Ppl still talkin about corruption...some1 gotta sticky a topic sayin dat "every srv in 2013 and 2014 as we can see is corrupted" so cuntnuggets will stop spammin "corruption corruption" and sh1t. Ofc it will be,with or w/o outlaw or whoever in their "team". Get ur sh1t together ppl.
  7. A normal patch would be more than fine. Also an error occurs in dis updater so I cant log.
  8. I cant blame da man for tryin O0
  9. VERY nice presentation,at last a decent level of written english language by a srv owner and cool features. Also +1 for ur srv name ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cXDgFwE13g )
  10. "Do u ever know" doesnt make sense and oh yes, ppl are gonna get so much interested on a ...oh w8, no clue about what server is dis.
  11. Almost same topic as dat shitty LT mid l2alive...lold.
  12. Soo since u dont want ur ideas to get stolen,why did u even post here?
  13. Dont see why u put mage and fighter weapons rates seperately. They both have same chance "retail-like". But I guess u are one of those pro mids who put mage weps on lower ench rate for no obvious reason lol.
  14. Srv kinda empty.U should merge both servers and start fresh.
  15. Wheres perfect? He opens da same srv every month.Complete waste of time.
  16. Benihime

    interlude Off

    Features lookin good,only thing left to check is pvp between diff classes.
  17. Another l2magic-like srv where daggers will be OP yet again.
  18. Lol dude,u can bring down a ddos protection company? wtf,are u usin chuck norris to attack?
  19. He aint Anima. If u see who uploaded srv patch,its a greek name. He just a douchey fanboi.
  20. Dont be dumb dude. If dis turd here shuts down Magic,it makes sense dat some ppl will go to his srv but is dat rly a way of gettin ppl? And stop sayin dat we will try his srv,its not true.
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