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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Τωρα κοιτα,δεν σου λεω οτι το S4 δεν ειναι ανωτερο(φυσικα και ειναι πολυ καλυτερο) αλλα ειναι υπερβολικο imo (παντοφλα :D) ενω με το mini εισαι gg
  2. Totally. The 5" screen is just too much. I would rather get mini(Trust me on this, and ask Phoenix too if u want :D) because the 4.3" is more than perfect and buy a cheap tablet for movies, even tho the screen is still ok for that Borrow/Use one friend's phone that has a big screen. Total pain in the ass most of the times..
  3. Pay 400 euros more just for software, that is actually turning into android itself. I call that bs From my experience with a 4,7" phone, i have to say that it's quite big already S4 mini comes at 4,3" and at a Duo-core 1,7, so believe me The battery life is way better than the big one(quadcore and 5" draining the shit out of it) and the size is PERFECT
  4. Samsung galaxy S4 mini
  5. απαγορευμενος :/
  6. decafeine frappes Τι ωραιο πραγμα..... ...
  7. 84 λεβελ ειμαι, δεν παιρνω καλο xp
  9. φτανει..
  11. Under the dome, Continuum καλα The following. Τωρα εχω να δω The Killing American Horror Story Human Target Deadwood House of Cards Ισως Harper's island Αν εχετε δει καποιο απο αυτα, πειτε γνωμες ¨:?
  12. You see, that's the problem with this forum. In any other forum, you would have been banned already for spamming about this all day and not accepting what the moderators did.
  13. Καθε φορα που βλεπω ενα τετοιο topic, θελω να σας εξηγησω ενα πολυ πολυ απλο πραγματακι. Αν δεν σας αρεσει, τα μπογαλακια σας και πουληστε οτι μαλακια θελετε αλλου. Απο την στιγμη που σου εξηγησε τον λογο που δεν γινεται, τελιωσε. Αν δεν σου αρεσει αυτο, προβλημα σου Κατευθειαν 'Abusing mod privs' 'Demote fighterboss' κ ολα τα σκατα
  14. Players Online: <span id="status-on">770</span> hue hue hue
  15. Don't worry, you could still play with your F1-spam archer. (Even tho it wouldn't be so beneficial)
  16. Λεει θελει ενεργο πακετο internet 10 λεπτα αφοτου το εβαλα, εγραψε οτι το πακετο μου ληγει αυριο :P
  17. ε ναι μωρε, γινεται σου λεω ειχε κανει ο ed guide πριν 3 χρονια στο staff section
  18. Παντα υπηρχε mass delete, απλα πρεπει να ξερεις πως να το κανεις :P(Εως και 50 replies μαζι)
  19. Sunfire as first item is mandatory, iceborn is rly bad for him imo(wasting so much money on mana items while u get nothing in between) Triforce is good, even tho Wits end should be even better(synergizes with all his kit plus sunfire)
  20. Shen is not a bad duelist mid/late, if you don't build him with warmogs/omen/sunfire..
  21. I was having such thoughts some days ago, wondering how a bunch of words came this way(especially in greek, cause even a lot of English words - i mean A LOT- have Greek origins) For example, Architect , that should mean 'Archi' (Αρχη- Start/First)' 'tect' (Τεκτον- Child) that should mean the one that made the first humans, the creator and such other thingies :P I might be a bit out of movie's point, i will watch that definitely, seems interesting :D
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