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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Ωραια η παρος, αλλα η μυκονος θα ηταν καλυτερη..
  2. Ρε φιλε, και μετα πως θα τους λεω 'Fight me in RL noob '
  3. I don't have many rare skins, but i play with skins noone else plays :D
  4. Αμα δεν βαλεις φορμα δεν γινεσαι κοντοπιδης.
  6. Advocatus Diaboli this
  7. promote nikobroudos
  8. Dude, don't be so bitchy He might be a scammer - k - but most probably he has gone on a trip or something.. relax lol Especially, if you push people away to do such stuff, it will probably get worse for them/u Like you need the account platinum in the next 2 days for a reason..
  9. That's the exact reason. For example, take SpirakosDaFaq or whatever his name is. He is here judging the staff members and their actions, flaming them and such. While he is a banned member already... What's the point of this?
  10. You are not completely right here First of all, most countries have that amount of 'braindead' people, as you want to call them, or whatever. But since mxc is dominated by greeks(mostly) plus the main content of the forum refers to kinda 'stupid people' ( omg l2hacks cheats ) you get this result. I/you have come to deal with same retarded people from all countries.
  11. It goes the other way around, actually.
  12. MaxCheaters 'democracy' system.
  13. He was a scammer some months ago Now he isnt. He should be trusted
  14. disable right click initilization interlude google it
  15. Was playing zac today Our vayne 0-4 bot -30 cs lost dragon our quinn 0-1 10 cs behind malphite 0-2 me zac 0-1 score 1-15 in some point they kinda throw to kill me we get 3 kills ( 4-15 ) we lose dragon cause my team is retarded we flame enemy team tried to baron i jump in with zac without smite my ulti steals it we ace them some teamfights later we win from 1-15 We had quinn/malphite/zac/vayne/taric They had graves/sona/kha/darius/fiddle poor graves lol even tho he had 8-0
  16. http://www.whendidsaintlastmisssmite.com/
  17. Ναι εγω τουλαχιστον εχω 6 χρονια οχι οτι χρειαζομαι παραπανω αλλα γιατι μου βαζετε οριο γαμω.. Ο Smok3boy επισης πρεπει να ειναι μπολικα χρονια εκει..
  18. Soon ε τι να κανουμε ρε μλκ , μπηκε και 10 χρονια πριν σε εκεινη την σχολη..
  19. ο Νοβλε δινει τελευταιο μαθημα αυριο χιχι
  20. Ελα ρε μαλακα που περιμενουν να διαβασουμε για μαθηματα που δινουμε 12 ιουλιου..
  21. Εγω εχω 4 του 2ου εξαμηνο(3 ή 4, δεν ξερω ακομα) Δεν ξερω αν θα βρω το κουραγιο να διαβασω μαθηματικα ομως.
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