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Everything posted by spakcz123

  1. "looking for party to nearest pub-kamaloka ..... ;D "
  2. hum, i expected more :( even though thx
  3. My Dwarf mostly "TheWarf" :)
  4. Are you 2 nuts? You really thing tha L2 is "oneman show"? some1 should tell u about real L2 not only in HR servers :-P I play on LR so i would say dec.delay... but i can be wrong
  5. I voted for necro bcs i dont like destros.... but its true that they may be same
  6. huh, on my last server these pots were award for event (i thing that this is one of the option just like 100% recs for A a S armors and weapon ----> they are at the database but u cannot reach them)....
  7. I cant understand for what is this useful ?
  8. Hum and where this topic will be after few months? isnt easier to write www.lineage.pmfun.com ?
  9. The only thing sucks on destro... speed... even if u get some speed debuffs... (in that case i would like kill myself ;D )
  10. Really not... i play Raidfight 8-)
  11. What i have already read about this bug is that u must not close map or make it smaller (bcs if u do u lost it).... u can only minimized it so the icon of the map stay viewable ...
  12. I dont have enough posts but what i saw at quote...if all of them are like that one...;D also there are a lot of topics with something like this... 200 posts for scams? rofl tooooo pathetic Mr.Vyper
  13. I really dont wanna disturb this topic and i m sorry if i do, but maybe more ppl would read it in L2 development section or im wrong? If i do then erase the post...
  14. In that case i dont understand the picture in your signature at forum ;) I play Dominator bcs its the most useful char of all... you can heal, spam CP, debuff, stun, drain, wear any armor... every one who is with u loves u ;D
  15. so u can be the one who can cut it up... ;) Try all of them just at start and tell us what is d best ;)
  16. I had to stopped bcs of school :( Unfortunately i have a lot of friends here .... jasne ze te to nebavi kdyz prijdes na server a nemas tam zadne zazeni co se klanu tyce atd ;) kdyz tam jsou lidi se kteryma se dahrat tak je to uplne o necem jinem nez solo... i na HR
  17. Antharas circlet ;) and very good is also that stupid synthtic blue hair f.e. for Orc :D:D
  18. Selling D gemstones as SoP .... ;)
  19. And will u tell us that ultra new enchant idea?
  20. I usually take 10+- weapons and do all +3 then all +4 then all +5 .... and usually only 1 survive :)
  21. OL and dynasty stuffs.... and ofc overenchanted skills --> if u dont have u´ll loose
  22. +1 for Raidfight :) i´m playing here a have nothin´ to complain :)
  23. Ofc, its too old that its fixed by regen HP etc...
  24. haha, so then i chose well ... but i still have to try that Warlord :)
  25. They wanna grave L2 under ground... stupid NCsoft....
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