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About Olymps

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  1. where do i insert this code? im a noob :C
  2. Hello folks wanted to ask if it's possible to share with me the achievement engine! thank you!!
  3. hello paides einai eukolo na mou kanete share achievement engine?
  4. LvL30 Acc With 88RP / 2132 IP Previous Season Gold! Champs Unclocked : Ahri,Annie,Ashe,Draven,Fizz,Garen,Jax,Jayce,Katarina,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Master Yi,Nunu,Poppy,Riven,Ryze,Sivir,Soraka,Tristana,Warwick,Yasuo,Zed Champ Skins: Jax: The Mighty Jax Draven: Soul Reaver Draven Pm Me here! PS: Sorry if in the wrong section but i putted here cause want to trade for lineage product!
  5. searching for olympiad server only thanks :)
  6. When is the server opening ?
  7. Hello and nice work but i got an error on hi5 client, any solutions??
  8. Aha will try mate!! thank you very much appretiate it :) hope i'll figure it out :) have a nice day!
  9. so i should do it on html and not on script right? or still i need to create a script ?
  10. https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSd2Z55NF3FteEOrTAJtydm-Lk6cH_H3Oa2bvIonolNh-YVOaZV something like this into a npc!! Eg : min cap mobs killed 0 and max cap mobs killed 1k and you've killed around 600 mobs so the bar will showing your progress at about 60%
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