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Everything posted by jimca

  1. hi guys can you tell if i can dl any faq guide that it will explain some things for l2net. i want to use it one server who is heal bound but it works with gracia dl patch. wtf how can this work i mean it is hell or gracia ? anyway thank you :) edit. i tested on my server and on white eagle and is working great. but the IN mode i think i have to pay to work always the gameserver error port 7777. :s i find something i will try to search again anyway ty again * C4 - 645 * Interlude - 746 * Kamael - 831 * Hellbound - 831 * Gracia ct1 - 851 or 828 * Gracia ct2.1 - 851 * Gracia ct2.2 - 12 or 17 * Gracia ct2.3 - 83 or 87 * Gracia ct2.4 - 146 or 148 or 152 ____________________ 3:32:52 μμ :[login info - sending login info 3:32:52 μμ :[login info - blowfish done 3:32:52 μμ :[login info - checksum end 3:32:52 μμ :[login info - gameguard end/checksum start 3:32:52 μμ :[login info - gameguard known query... sending known reply 3:32:52 μμ :[login info - gameguard start 3:32:52 μμ :[login info - rsa end 3:32:52 μμ :[login info - rsa start 3:32:52 μμ :[login info - packing username/pw 3:32:52 μμ :[lol gameguard 3:32:52 μμ :[Got Blowfish key 3:32:52 μμ :[Got RSA key 3:32:52 μμ :[bot -> loginserver : connected 3:32:51 μμ :[bot -> loginserver : opening 3:32:51 μμ :[starting login Process 3:32:07 μμ :[loaded saved enterworld packet 3:32:07 μμ :[loaded saved blowfish list 3:32:07 μμ :[loaded saved server list is this ok ?
  2. MD5: f03dc8e8d25153276dc91a82df3a1fde First received: 2010.03.05 23:14:07 UTC Date: 2010.03.23 06:50:18 UTC [>10D] Results: 20/42 Permalink: http://www.virustotal.com/analisis/5a4ebd6bca6133198d0500ba1d8d7c0744780ebc5fdc0e3a5beeb9a7b0ae3a44-1269327018 care
  3. wtf MD5: 3aae92eef72f368cb6c6ee2fafc7dc9b First received: 2010.02.20 19:02:44 UTC Date: 2010.04.03 03:58:42 UTC [<1D] Results: 13/42 Permalink: http://www.virustotal.com/analisis/beed75b4c98b603ee19f8293d88b5e55a17898390b49e6dcaf7e4b7b541671df-1270267122 i suggest not even try to open the file
  4. aderfe sorry pou stelnw se lock topic alla einai eukolo na kaneis share to programma. exw psaksei gia ton elixir kai genikws den bottarete toso eukola ews katholou :( an mporeis dwstw me kapoio link i na mou to steilei pls reply euxaristw.
  5. 1 i am so sorry about your nickname i apologize :( 2 had this errors with every buffer i used . all errors stopped when i work with Alien modified cause i use epilogue server :P 3 if you know anything else buffer/gmshop/teleport ... that it work in epilogue i will be very pleased to tell me 4 i am glad that u respond :D and again sorry for your nickname.
  6. ty man but i use now rinas buffer edited by ALIEN and it work fine. i dont know how to add it normaly. when i load the ALIENS sql it sayed success and then i saw it too navicat/npc . so ty all i just have to try to replace the model of the npc( i dont like it very much :P) and i want adena to be cheaper and i can use it for more time not for 2 sec :). anyway ty.
  7. hey cause i am new can you tell me some thing pls. 1. if i dl this files i don't have to compile them using eclipse ? 2. i see that u update ur topic so if i dl the last l2jserver it will work for epilogue ? 3. l2j revision it is something different or just u call it revision. i mean its not like l2free l2 teon ... ? btw i dl ur last l2jserver and i show two files in .zip so it is compiled i think (or i havent understand anything about this stuffs ?) thank you and if i want something else i will ask you :)
  8. mporei kaneis na me voithisei me auto. pws na tin perasw xeirokinhta. sygnwmi pou postarw edw alla konteuw na trelathw. ________________ exeis dikio signwmi tha to psaksw allou. euxaristw pantws :)
  9. are you sure that it work? look i change the "net.sf.l2j" into "com.l2jserver" in file "__init__.py" but i cant //spawn the npc. do you know how i can find if there is an error. 1. it was an error txt inside the custom npc folder but with ur settings after i restart the server it was fixed. i did also reload but nothinkg hapen 2. can you tell me if there is an error in execute .sql file how i can fix it ? [Err] 1136 - Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 [Err] REPLACE INTO `npc` VALUES ('955', '18544', 'Molder', '1', 'Services Manager', '1', 'LineageNpcEV.trap_ironcastle', '8.00', '24.00', '85', 'etc', 'L2Warehouse', '40', '20000', '164', '1.15', '1.21', '40', '1', '30', '21', '20', '25', '0', '0', '40000', '50000', '50000', '50000', '999', '0', '333', '0', '0', '0', '60', '125', 'NULL', '0', '0', '0', 'LAST_HIT', '0', '0', '0', 'balanced', 'false'); [Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully
  10. hey man pls tell me what is ur l2j that u use and what server maybe i can help
  11. aderfe afto ekana se ena arxeio kai stamatise na mou vgazei error.log to provlima einai den kserw pws na ton kanw na fanei ston server kati diavasa gia //spawn alla to id tou npc i to onoma den to kserw :( kai prospathisa na kanw //spawn 9999 i //spawn 40000 all mou leei no target found ekana kai //spawn NPCBuffer alla pali tpt :( ekana //reload mou edeikse sto gameserver oti diavase to custom 9999 npcbuffer alla pali tipota mipws den tin paleuw katholou iparxei kapoio npc buffer gia epilogue kai gia l2j. sas parakalw mia voitheia ston nooba :) [Err] 1136 - Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 [Err] REPLACE INTO `npc` VALUES ('955', '18544', 'Molder', '1', 'Services Manager', '1', 'LineageNpcEV.trap_ironcastle', '8.00', '24.00', '85', 'etc', 'L2Warehouse', '40', '20000', '164', '1.15', '1.21', '40', '1', '30', '21', '20', '25', '0', '0', '40000', '50000', '50000', '50000', '999', '0', '333', '0', '0', '0', '60', '125', 'NULL', '0', '0', '0', 'LAST_HIT', '0', '0', '0', 'balanced', 'false'); [Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully
  12. guys id of buffer ? anyone. and can i use it for epilogue ? pls answer me ??? [Err] 1136 - Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 [Err] REPLACE INTO `npc` VALUES ('955', '18544', 'Molder', '1', 'Services Manager', '1', 'LineageNpcEV.trap_ironcastle', '8.00', '24.00', '85', 'etc', 'L2Warehouse', '40', '20000', '164', '1.15', '1.21', '40', '1', '30', '21', '20', '25', '0', '0', '40000', '50000', '50000', '50000', '999', '0', '333', '0', '0', '0', '60', '125', 'NULL', '0', '0', '0', 'LAST_HIT', '0', '0', '0', 'balanced', 'false'); [Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully
  13. anyone close this topic i have my answer and thank you all :))))))) :D
  14. re pedia mia errwtisi. epeidi thelw na valw to maximum lvl buff se 5 skill. paradeigma 4402 haste to lvl an to kanw 9 pou mporei na min iparxei afto tha mou to vgazeis san lathos i apo mono tou tha kanei to teleuteo lvl tou skill ??? ___________________________________________________ gia l2j douleuei i @@
  15. IG einai to walker pou pezei mesa sto paixnidi in the game OOG einai to walker out of the game den thmamai polla apo auto soz sinithws xrisimopeio IG :P gia IG anoigeis to walker vazeis to path tou l2.exe sto walker kai patas run. meta patas home (to koumpi panw apo to delete) kai sta deksia sou anoigei to menu gia na botareis. analwgos ti xaraktira exeis range or melee prepei na valeis pws tha varas dld konta i makria kai vale kathe pote thes na xrisimopiei ta skill sou. gia perissoteres plhrofories rwta :P
  16. douleuei gia gracia epilogue pls peite mou ??
  17. so i think this files doesnt work on gracia epilogue
  18. aderfe eisai teleiws gia akomh mia fora me helpares nai sai kala :P
  19. nice man thanks a lot, i am new and i found very good ur guide really ty :P
  20. omg two new database... why none tell me that omg i wanna cry. i always make l2jdb database. omg man i am trying from saturday ok i will try it and i will tell you immediately _______________________________________________________________ man u are my hero i dont know if this forum has [make friends] if it has pls add me u are great the best. everything begin to work fine i will tell you if i have any problems. really thank you. i wish i could be rich so i cound donate you :)
  21. y that it but pls listen (with ur eyes :P) i press enter then it start to ask me 4 things about login server, 4 things about community board, then gameserver then -misc then it tells me to press F for full install ...S skip R .... so i press F and then it shows me that I know u believe i am dam really soz guys 1 time using this thing :( ___________________ if i press skip do you believe it would be too wrong ??? or i just have to continue with default ? Trying to make a backup of your loginserver data LOGINSERVER DATABASE install type: (f)ull: I will destroy data in your `accounts` a and `gameserver` tables. (s)kip: I'll take you to the communityserver dat installation and upgrade options. ®econfigure: You'll be able to redefine MySQL user and database information and start over those fresh values. (q)uit Choose (no default for fresh install) :
  22. i have to ty for help me too. i am glad that in this forum actually i have a response in my needs :) so look when the programm ask me that Write the path to your MySQL binaries (no trailing slash needed): (default C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin): i will just copy/paste {{{{C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin}}}
  23. is this corect? New settings will be created for this tool to run in your computer, so I need to ask you some questions. 1-MySql Binaries -------------------- In order to perform my tasks, I need the path for commands such as 'mysql' and 'mysqldump'. Both executables are usually stored in the same place. I can try to find out if the current setting actually works... C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin\mysql.exe Found Look, I can't find "MYSQL" in your PATH environment variable. It would be good if you go and find out where "mysql.exe" and "mysqldump.exe" are. If you have no idea about the meaning of words such as MYSQL or PATH, you'd better close this window, and consider googling and reading about it. Setup and host an L2J server requires a minimum of technical skills. Write the path to your MySQL binaries (no trailing slash needed): (default C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin): _________________________________________________________- what else can i use to be correct. i mean i can use mysql wizard config again...? mb i use some values when i make the server that it is incorect like RECONFIGURE or REMOVE instance... u know?
  24. i havent change my path i mean i install it where it supose to be from the programm itself. so i just hit the enter when database_installer.bat ask me where is mysql.... but i have check myself if it is the corect path. i dont know what it is database instalation i just think to open musql command line and try to see if i find anything about [-h localhost -u root - -password=root -D l2jcb < community_install.sql 2> NUL"] and when i push the connect button it shows me that and i want it to ask if it is that what is wrong. :( sorry for my english ________________- ohh curent database none... cause i havent one? its something diferent and i dont want it ?
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