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Everything posted by jimca

  1. Connection id: 25 Current database: *** NONE *** what is this anyone knows ???
  2. ty man really. i will tell you if i stuck again. where i can give you rep or thanks or something...? :) _____________________________________________ There was some problem while executing: ""C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin\mysql.exe" -h localhost -u root - -password=root -D l2jcb < community_install.sql 2> NUL" I'd suggest you to look for correct values and try this script again later. But maybe you'd prefer to go on now. ©ontinue running the script ®econfigure (q)uit now Choose (default quit): i get this error do you know what it is ? Connection id: 25 Current database: *** NONE ***
  3. kalispera mia voithia thelw gia na kanw enan server epilogue tha parw ta teleutea packs l2j gameserver kai l2dp kai tha ta valw sto eclipse se ksexwristw fakelo to kathena kai meta tha enwsw ta unrar pou tha mou dwsoun ? i prepei na valw prwta to gameserver meta to datapack na kaneis overide apo mono tou mesw tou eclipse. paraklw voithisteme euxaristw.
  4. ty for ur fast response i will try it immediately :P man i open it with eclipse but it didnt show to me anything... ofc i will look again. ______________________________ hi guys i will do it again all from the begining but i need ur help on something i use eclipse and i want to make epilogue server. so i use l2jgs and l2jdp. i have to use it both in eclipse and let the eclipse overide datapack above gameserver? or i have to make one file with gameserver then onother one with data pack and then overide the unrar files ? pls help me
  5. hi guys this is my problem ____________________________________________________________________________>>>> Starting L2J Game Server. Loading Server Scripts ---------- 1. ERROR in C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\server\gameserver\data\scrip ts\handlers\bypasshandlers\ClanWarehouse.java (at line 44) if (!target.isInstanceType(InstanceType.L2WarehouseInstance, InstanceTyp e.L2ClanHallManagerInstance)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The method isInstanceType(L2Object.InstanceType) in the type L2Object is not app licable for the arguments (L2Object.InstanceType, L2Object.InstanceType) ---------- 1 problem (1 error)The method isInstanceType(com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2Ob ject.InstanceType) in the type com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2Object is not ap plicable for the arguments (com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2Object.InstanceType , com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2Object.InstanceType) Failed executing script: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\server\gameserv er\data\scripts\handlers\MasterHandler.java. See MasterHandler.java.error.log fo r details. Compiled Scripts Cache is disabled. _________________________________________________________________________________>>>> i can play in my server ass an admin but listen what i cant do: i cant hit anyone/anything no exp/sp/adena i can use my skill but it doesnt work it says inside lineage 2 chat skill not implented skill id ... i cant talk to anyone buy/sell anything i can use actions like /sit /stand pick up the only npc i can talk is guards ( i hate guards :P) i really need ur help guys i know u are the best at this. btw i have read over 20 articles and i cant find any help im my problem or i am dam :(
  6. kalispera pedia eimai kainourios sto thema epsaxna 3 meres gia na vrw enan kalo kai oloklirwmeno odigo kai kateliksa oti edw einai o kaliteros gia ti apla sta leei ola kai den einai kai palia ta post :P kati asxeto kai sxetiko kaneis den mou eixe pei oti to kathe l2jdp einai ksexwrista gia kathe c3/c4/c5/c6 fantasteite oti 3 meres paleuo kai sikwnw server apo c4 mexri c6 milame gia ores ateleiwtes gt den iksera autin tin idiaiterotita :( telika exthes ton sikwsa ton server mono gia mena kai gia lan. sto spiti mou me aplo pc. sas parakalw omws na me voithisete se kati. den mporw na epileksw kanenan na skwtwsw kanenan na agorasw na poulisw... thelw na klapsw apo ta neura mou gt epsaksa ta panta mpika me admin mpika me aplo xaraktira ekatsa kai diavasa ola ta readme.txt (pou pistepste me einai polla)kai den vrika tin apantisei. mipws telika na to paratisw :( Error on: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\server\gameserver\data\scripts\handlers\MasterHandler.java.error.log Line: -1 - Column: -1 compilation failed eyxaristw prokatavolika :P
  7. euxaristw aderfe me voithises poli apla mia errwtisei mipws kserei kaneis ekana ena server me l2jdp mysql kai ta loipa, kai me ton diko sou tropo exw to idio provlima otan paw sto game kai kanw log in den mporw na epileksw kanena mob kanenan npc i na parw quest dld den mporw na parw xp lvl (afou dn mporw na skwtwsw kanenan :P) mipws kserei kaneis ti einai pio mporei na einai to lathos mou. o server einai sto pc mou mono gia mena den ton ekana akomi global. an kserei kaneis tha xarw na me voithisete thelw poli na peksw kai exw kai filous pou perimenoun ton server :( kai vrika oti edw exw lathos. Error on: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\server\gameserver\data\scripts\handlers\MasterHandler.java.error.log Line: -1 - Column: -1 compilation failed eyxaristw kai pali gia ton odigo sou na sai kala :P
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