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Everything posted by embass

  1. Sure he is, I'm dizzan, arkein is botgod and all the forum mods are actually shmee... /sarcasm off. I suggest you don't listen to what some angry polish kids type on the forum when they try to blackmail staff for free items and fail. Learn things on your own and get solid unfailing facts. Seeing how dismay is currently Nr1 I find it VERY hard to believe we would have anything to do with past l2x staff.
  2. I payed to see it mate ;) To be honest, most of the bugs that appear here are old and not really useful. Mxc is more "just in case" site. You never know...
  3. This is pretty much how Giran looks every day http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/3930/shot00114h.jpg[/img] We spawned epic raids today after about 14 days (they were impossible to kill until now, so everyone had a chance to get ready). This is how AQ spawn looked like (no raid up yet). http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/3861/shot00137.jpg[/img] http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/5086/shot00136.jpg[/img] http://img121.imageshack.us/img121/9539/shot00135m.jpg[/img] http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/2126/shot00134d.jpg[/img] http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/1364/shot00133.jpg[/img] http://img121.imageshack.us/img121/3011/shot00132.jpg[/img] http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/1162/shot00129.jpg[/img] http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/7434/shot00128l.jpg[/img] http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/9206/shot00116x.jpg[/img] And Baium (toi 14th floor) http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/8194/shot00125.jpg[/img] http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/5381/shot00124n.jpg[/img] http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/355/shot00121.jpg[/img] http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/8918/shot00120.jpg[/img] http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/9906/shot00119n.jpg[/img]
  4. It wasn't until recently. Guess we need to spend another big pack of money for new protection :/
  5. Yes bloodraven, unbalance because of the enchants. But no, it's not just about the difference, it's about the average enchant as well. Interlude l2off and l2j epiloque servers are completely seperate. Tomcraft and I are in charge of interlude, thedoctor is in charge of epiloque. Staff is seperate, sites are seperate. The only thing linking them together is domain name.
  6. If they are THAT awesome then they can CLEARLY afford a damn .com domain. You can put a label "banana" on shit and it will still look like, smell and taste like shit. Ucoz should go. Tk should go.
  7. Newfags use google chrome, Average folks (or those that use developing plugins) use firefox. above average use opera. I myself use opera. It offers me high customization without the need to install any of the addons. This way I can keep my browser fast, secure, and trash free. <3 opera. Forever. edit: Opera is the fastest browser at site manipulation. Tab opening, browser opening, etc. It just feels so damn responsive all the time. When using FF I feel like i'm using bricked software. Everything seems so slow. I'm not bashing FF, just my personal experience.
  8. L2extreme? Which one? Schmee? Botgod? Rey? From what I recall, ALL of them were made for one purpose only, to make money. In which case your statement pretty much fails ;)
  9. Indeed, this looks promising. However you should allow an option for an admin to disable coments/reviews. Sometimes a server is a kickass one but it's reputation is completely ruined by some random hater who didn't get items by blackmailing. +1 for no ucoz/tk/freehost crap.
  10. L2 had it's 5 anniversary this year. Ontopic: No issues with L2 and win7. Love the OS.
  11. Enchant rate is just fine. People are just way too spoiled from playing failed l2j servers. If everyone has low enchant chance = average 7-8 weapons = balance. If everyone has high enchant chance = high average 12-15 = no balance. That is one of the reasons why L2j servers fail so badly. They put high enchant rate on everything and then try to balance it out by nerfing skills/classes. No point. ;)
  12. In 2-3 weeks once the current PVE gets boring.
  13. Almost reached 1k. Just a little bit more. :D This is how giran looks like (1 minute old) Note: look at the npc's near central statue. So many people crouded there. http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/5923/shot00105w.jpg[/img] http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/6407/shot00106k.jpg[/img] http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/2599/shot00102sp.jpg[/img] We will have sieges today at 21:00 +1. LOTS of good and factor clans are going to be there. Basically, if you are looking for a fresh and populated server, we are THE server right now. It's completely up to you if you decide to come. However, If I were you, I wouldn't want to miss it.
  14. Giran at 11am GTM +1. ~60 hours after the launch. http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/6145/shot00080t.jpg[/img]
  15. This link is dead for quite a while. I suggest a mod locks this thread until the song is reuploaded somewhere.
  16. Don't teach us on how to do things. Everyone is pretending they know how to do EVERYTHING PERFECTLY, but fact is, that is EXACTLY how you get 1234232 l2jbr servers. It's not as easy as you might think. I believe I explained this before.
  17. Bugs are being fixed whenever we have time. Someone wants to get a trivial bug fixed, someone else wants an event, third one wants a custom item... We'll get to everything eventually, just don't accuse us of looking away lol.
  18. I made Two ventrilo meetings. One was before, one was after (to which noone came. I presume because balance now is good). Archers and daggers had 30% nerf for almost 2 weeks now. I unnerfed that 2-3 days ago. Archers are now critting for about 2-4k on a mage which is perfectly normal. Mages COULD NOT handle pvp. Have you seen ANY mage pvp parties on dismay? ANY? Other than cancel sps parties there weren't any. Pvp on PI took 20 minutes. That is, mages won after they canceled every single buff from the archers. Is that what you called a balanced class? If you do, read what I wrote above. On interlude, stacked mages should clean up the archers in under 5min. Noone said there will be a fresh start. How do you even intend to do fresh start of olympiad in the middle of the week? Do you REALLY think we'd do that? Come on, it would mess up period for eternity. you'd have competition end on tuesday, validation on wednesday and new match on thursday. Like anyone could follow up to that. Server is not unstable. Every time we rebooted we did it for a reason (seriously, how can class balance make server unbalanced? You're talking nonsense again). I read forum almost every hour, that is, if there is anything worth reading. Sadly, lately I do nothing but move topics to trash section due to all the constant flaming that goes on between players. I do not think I lost time, before the balance I was getting insane amount of pm's, both on forum and ingame. Now it stopped, almost. There are still some randoms who complain (because they can't rickroll other classes anymore), but majority likes it. Again, changes that were done here were discussed with top pvp'ers on the server, core L2 players. I never, EVER listen to crybabies. You might think some people on forum were randoms, but they weren't. Fact is, it would take like 10 minutes for us to revert all the changes, but then, 90% of players would complain again how everything is unbalanced and stuff. There will ALWAYS be someone who lives to ruin the hard effort we put in even though what he says makes no stand at all. If you wish to discuss current status, feel free to bring the clans together, join ventrilo and we can discuss it like we did before. But do not expect me to simply change it because YOU said so. I will never do that. Regards, Vim.
  19. 1. First of all I'd like to ask you, who exactly are you? Are you a leader of some respected clan or at least it's member, or are you just some random who dislikes current changes? 2. ...til some kiddo went to server forum... then some other kid , and another .... owner seeing 5 kids out... When we were discussing this stuff on ventrilo, I had Sisenors members on it, nonfactor, ve, and a bunch of other member/clan leaders from respective clans. How exactly can you call those people "kids"? They are what you call "best of the best". Calling them kids just put you down in a bad light. If anyone knows what balance is, then it would DEFINITELY be them. 3. ...nerfed archers, daggers, ... This is the part that I do not understand. How can you say I nerfed archers and daggers if I UNnerfed them? Archers were nerfed by 30%, I unnerfed them by 15%, leaving only 15% nerf in place. How exactly can you call 15% boost in status a "nerf"? 4. [i Server started very well now its going DOWN DOWN. Server went from VERY PROMISING , in 1 week to ALMOST FAILURE.[/i] I dissagree. You aren't the one with //who (shows how many players there are online) command. I basically had to do reboots at 3 in the morning since we basically had 300+ at any given time. I, yet again, fail to see what you are trying to say here. Good job vim/kumo. I wasn't the one that came up with this, senior players did. Everyone could come on Ventrilo and speak up btw, were you there? Seeing how even your current arguments have close to zero or no value I highly doubt that. Ps: check ur online players compared to last week when u started to "balance" and u will see what u made. It's 17:36 my time. Last week, this number showed ~300. In the evening, it goes WAY above 400. Again, what you are trying to say is? For conclusion a couple of facts: In interlude with pow, siren dance, blue wolf (or equivalent) and valakas necklace, SPS has (according to formula) over 100% chance to do a magic crit. Even without it, with, let's say dark crystal and without valakas it has close to 40-50%. Do you have ANY idea what kind of m.critical chance they had? If an sps was VERY lucky, they critted 1/10 nukes. Fact nr2. A full stacked mage party will ALWAYS take down a full stacked archer party (talking about retail interlude). Why is that? Glad you asked! MCRITS for crying out loud! Were mages on dismay doing any? They sure as hell weren't doing them before these updates. ;) Regards, Vim.
  20. Lots of them. Log in on sunday's siege and see for yourself.
  21. It doesn't -beep-ing matter. When others make a "my pack collection" where they share stuff from someone else they ALWAYS include credit for EVERYTHING they shared, even if they were the ones to just bring it together. Example here by cobra. He brought it together, but he gave CREDITS for EVERYTHING he gathered. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=43987.0
  22. You just rediscovered a definition of a script kiddie. Welcome to mxc.
  23. Gave you -1 karma. Give credits for the websites (you stole) next time.
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