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Everything posted by Dev

  1. Ωραιος ποσο ειχες ορθογραφια στο δημοτικο ; Να φανταστω 2 με αριστα το 10.
  2. posa dineis kai ti theleis na exei mesa ;
  3. STFU avve you always ruin the topics i really cant understand this believing you are Goddes. just stfu.
  4. If someone removes you from L2 Moderator and decreases your karma to +10 you will understand what he and we want then. ^^
  5. Show me the pictures near profile then.
  6. Open env.int you will find the normal color glows above it you will find a line tha says VARIATION you can add w/e colors you want there you can copy the normal colors and paste them on variation on that way you'll be able to have even green augmentations. GL
  7. Yes good work but you will give 60 € to buy it ? I don't think so ::) Everyone can say good work and shit but you wouldnt give the money so stfu and dont continue spamming this topic.
  8. What's my problem ? My problem is that he is trying to find victims to sell a work that isnt his work and this is so disturbing for me. And those people who posted upper are 100 % correct.
  9. Yes good no one will buy because you try to sell Official's Work if you want to sell something then create it yourself and sell it as the portofolio you have. As about the Anti-leeching tool it's a chineese one and I know it as avve knows it and many people too. Take care
  10. Kαι εγω ξερω και αλλη μια παροιμια οσο λειπει η γατα χωρευουν τα ποντικια. Θα πατε μπροστα παντως αυτο ειχα να πω και κατι ακομη ειχα σχηματισει λαθος γνωμη για ορισμενους.
  11. Ωραια λοιπον να πας στον φιλο σου και να του πεις να μην προσπαθει να βγαλει λευτα με τα Items και τη δουλεια του official http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=210457.0 και οσο για το καρμα μου δεν με ενδιαφερει ετσι και αλλιως το πηρα διοτι το share που εκανα ηταν δικη μου δουλεια και οχι αλλωνων οπως τα παίρνει αυτος leecharontas τα russian φορουμς. Και ουτε το εκανα να διαμαρτυρηθω ουτε να μην το αποδεχτω ουτε να δημιουργησω φασαρια απλά ακομη πιστευω στο οταν κανει ο αλλος μια μαλακια πρεπει να το τρωει το dekarma εκεινη τη στιγμη και οχι μετα απο δεκα χρονια. Αυτα τα λιγα και καλη επιτυχια αφου ηταν μονο η αρχη θα πατε μπροστα.
  12. Απ'οτι βλεπω εχουν φαει πολλα μεμβερ dekarma σε μια μερα αυτο εσενα τι σου λεει και εαν το παμε ετσι να χωσουμε και σε εσενα να δουμε πως θα σου φανει . Βασικά για το δικο μου dekarma προσωπικα που το ειδα χωρις λογο και για τα αλλα members περιμενατε την καταλληλη στιγμη να χτυπησετε εκει που σας γουσταρε ? Οταν κανει μια μαλακια ο αλλος που ειναι εναντια στα rules του το χωνεις εκεινη τη στιγμη και οχι οποτε σου καυλωσει εσενα φιλος.
  13. +1 και δηλαδη εγινε ενα μπλοκ με τοσο καιρο και χωσατε dekarma προχθες για actions / posts που εγιναν πριν ενα χρονο ; Σοβαρευτείτε λιγο ρε.
  14. Ναι και ρωτω ποιος ειναι αυτος που εχωσε τοσα dekarma σε ολα αυτα τα member χωρις λογο εαν εχει τις μπαλες να βγει να το πει δηλαδη το οτι εχει e-power τι με αυτο κανουμε οτι γουσταρουμε ;
  15. Βασικα επεσαν πολλά dekarma μεσα ημουν και εγω που δεν εχω κανει κατι κακο σαν ποστ δειτε τα last messages μου οτι να'ναι ειναι οποτε τεσπα.
  16. This is the fix thanks for know a shit about Java Req for Lock I did it myself. 67 67 //playLogFile(getConnection()); // try to play log file 68 68 69 70 // we should always be abble to acquire the lock 71 // but if we cant lock then nothing should be done (ie repeated packet) 72 if (this.getClient().getActiveCharLock().tryLock()) 73 { 74 try 69 try 70 { 71 // we should always be abble to acquire the lock 72 // but if we cant lock then nothing should be done (ie repeated packet) 73 if (this.getClient().getActiveCharLock().tryLock()) 75 74 { 76 // should always be null 77 // but if not then this is repeated packet and nothing should be done here 78 if (this.getClient().getActiveChar() == null) 75 try 79 76 { 80 // The L2PcInstance must be created here, so that it can be attached to the L2GameClient 81 if (Config.DEBUG) 82 { 83 _log.fine("selected slot:" + _charSlot); 84 } 85 86 //load up character from disk 87 L2PcInstance cha = getClient().loadCharFromDisk(_charSlot); 88 if (cha == null) 89 { 90 _log.severe("Character could not be loaded (slot:"+_charSlot+")"); 91 sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); 92 return; 93 } 94 if (cha.getAccessLevel().getLevel() < 0) 95 { 96 cha.deleteMe(); 97 return; 98 } 99 100 cha.setClient(this.getClient()); 101 getClient().setActiveChar(cha); 102 103 sendPacket(new SSQInfo()); 104 105 this.getClient().setState(GameClientState.IN_GAME); 106 CharSelected cs = new CharSelected(cha, getClient().getSessionId().playOkID1); 107 sendPacket(cs); 77 // should always be null 78 // but if not then this is repeated packet and nothing should be done here 79 if (this.getClient().getActiveChar() == null) 80 { 81 // The L2PcInstance must be created here, so that it can be attached to the L2GameClient 82 if (Config.DEBUG) 83 { 84 _log.fine("selected slot:" + _charSlot); 85 } 86 87 //load up character from disk 88 L2PcInstance cha = getClient().loadCharFromDisk(_charSlot); 89 if (cha == null) 90 { 91 _log.severe("Character could not be loaded (slot:"+_charSlot+")"); 92 sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); 93 return; 94 } 95 if (cha.getAccessLevel().getLevel() < 0) 96 { 97 cha.deleteMe(); 98 return; 99 } 100 101 cha.setClient(this.getClient()); 102 getClient().setActiveChar(cha); 103 104 sendPacket(new SSQInfo()); 105 106 this.getClient().setState(GameClientState.IN_GAME); 107 CharSelected cs = new CharSelected(cha, getClient().getSessionId().playOkID1); 108 sendPacket(cs); 109 } 110 } 111 finally 112 { 113 this.getClient().getActiveCharLock().unlock(); 108 114 } 109 115 } 110 finally 111 { 112 this.getClient().getActiveCharLock().unlock(); 113 } 116 } 117 catch (Exception e) 118 { 119 e.printStackTrace(); 114 120 } 115 121 }
  17. ofc not and I found this one like 2 months ago in google.
  18. Hi I was on with a GM char of my team and he left . Then w/o any reason he wasn't able to login the server because I had set the login server GM only but he could log other times I gave him the 127 access. Anyways then I restarted the server and he coult enter the login but when he pressed START he couldnt see his char in game he didnt go in game somehow "meanwhile on game server console it said the message that "x" has logged with master access just to be carefull ;) " etc so what's the problem anyone knows ? ???
  19. Not trusted and bad java coded i don't recomment it you will spend your money for nothing . Also it's written in l2dc and NOT in l2j and he doesn't offer you support.
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