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Everything posted by Dev

  1. Yea kid I see your english Someone forgot to learn you that it's always we "MAKE" mistakes and not do them ? Also about the second quote I dont get any meaning at all so come to reply when you take your english degree so then you can talk about me and my english kid. Take care. :)
  2. Who talked to you if I was about starting warning you that you dig topics since 6 months now would be good ? If I report you for lying to the people and ask money to do simple things while you are moderator would be good ? And finally at least I know the basics what has the sql to do with the client moding just simply answer me to this and I will stop saying a word. In this place the people should learn the basics of the server side , of the java side and of the client mod side if you are too bored to answer them or too clever to ask money for simple things GJ. Look at you , look at your answer you talked to him for adapting tables do you believe he understood what you meant ? I say no he didnt understand so why you mix up with me and do not give him a clear answer that he needs to find the simple sql from an S grade item depends on the type of the weapon and c/p it with changed ID & name. You all the time talk to people warned and warned but you are the no 1 warned in this place my friend just look at you.
  3. Do me a favor remove from your crapy system this file option.ini and run the l2.exe again cuz it has fuc ked up the anal. Cheers
  4. Oso sovaro einai to video pou ekana post alo toso sovaro einai kai to toitorial. 0xa0xa0a klew........... malaka a.....
  5. kaneis dn tha sto kanei tzaba ala nomizw iparxi 1 xrisimopiise to google search
  6. k thanks for explaining and the time you spent to reply I appreciate it. Request for lock.
  7. to kaneis checkout sto eclipse kai meta pas team --->update version kai ekei tha valeis to version p thes
  8. des ta error log sou kapou ekei tha sto leei
  9. http://svn.l2jdp.com/trunk/L2J_DataPack/ http://svn.l2jserver.com/trunk/L2J_Server/ kanta checkout sto eclipse kai meta pas team update to version gia ta rev p thes
  10. Is it a table responsible for this or it's skills xmls
  11. When they update their classes using class manager it pops up this error and the server crushes people cannot login , and they stuck in game. Please help.
  12. From the hell , most of them are leechers and didnt create stuff as Ave did so all thumbs up to him and thumbs up also to ppl like Chandy because he is the best as friend and guy as about Ventic no comments.
  13. Εγω πατησα και μου βγηκε αυτο το video τι σχεση εχει ;
  14. Dev

    [GR]New MxC

    To theme den se proselkuei na katseis sto forum kai to palio to prasino gtp htan kalutera na gurisoun sto arxiko pali den aksizei imo.
  15. nice how much you pay for have them ?
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