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Everything posted by Dev

  1. Εαν εχω καταλαβει καλα μιλας για το Developer's Tool ειναι ενα tool με το οποιο μπορεις να δεις τις armors,weaps,accessories,jewels ktl απο το client. Εαν θελεις αυτο απλα πες μου να σου βρω ακριβως το τοπικ που εχει γινει share ετσι ωστε να μαθεις πως λειτουργει.
  2. As far as I know all the languages in the world except for the Arabic language you read and write from left to the right. I doubt so if the opposite method exists and if it does then it will be part of java.
  3. Διαβασε αυτο ειναι ενα guide που εξηγει αναλυτικα τα παντα πιστευω οτι θα σε βοηθησει εαν δεν σε βοηθησει απλα απαντησε εδω για να το λυσουμε το θεμα.
  4. Yes right you moved the topic you couldnt answer him as well ? Why you had to wait Tryskell to do that by the way you are 1 place before Global Moderator. Oh Cool this forum is working so good lately. I addore.
  5. The server will not success furthermore you will loose your time with him.
  6. Διαφωνω καθετως, εαν δεν υπηρχαν αυτοι οι σερβερ να κρατησουν το λ2 ζωντανο θα ειχε ξεχαστει - χαθει πολυ πιο νωρις. ;)
  7. Ο Καρατζαφερης εχει αρκετες 'ωραιες' γνωμες σε μερικα θεματα αλλα εχει και ακομη πιο πολλες εγωιστικες ας το πω γνωμες φασιστικες; Οπως θελετε το παίρνετε . Ειναι too much και αυτος και τα σκυλια του . Κυριολεκτικά κανενας ομως πραγματικα δεν νοιαστικε για την Ελλαδα ειτε λεγεται Πασοκ ειτε Σκατοκ ειτε Νεα Δημοκρατια ειτε Παλια Δημοκρατια. Ολοι κοιταν την παρτη τους πολλοι λενε μεγαλα λογια μεχρι να εκλεχτουν μετα ολα αλλαζουν και την εχουμε πατησει πολλες φορες με τα ψεματα τους τωρα λοιπον που δεν βγαινει αυτοδυναμη κυβερνηση να κατσουν κατω και να συμφωνησουν ολοι μαζι αλλιως να φυγουν τελειως. Τους εχουμε βαρεθει πλεον.
  8. I have set the buffs time to "-1" so they dont disappear. Allthought when I press the buff set SOMETIMES * some buffs warn off these buffs are not some specific but randomly. I have set the max buff ammount of the buffer to 27 buffs the group buff button it buffs me fine but as I said only sometime there will be 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 buffs that will warn off other times I will have the 27 set w/o warn off or sometimes if I even have 27 buffs which is the ammount I have set , the same happens I log in and some buffs have been disappeared. Why this happens any ideas on how can I solve it ? Thanks
  9. You call yourself l2 dev and you dont know to insert an sql file oh whatever. As about avve no comments I have e-fought with him many times there's not result same with critical.
  10. But you dont understand something very simple I dont care for my karma every single noob can decrease it by getting VIP privs the problem is that there are no explanations for it as well as Iam not the only one who e-fights with him but many other users as well . Furthermore he responses back which means he wants to continue that but still you didnt get the meaning of the topic this is a clear report for his actions to the forums I posted replies of him that are supposed to break the forum rules. Who's gonna act though ? Your action would be much more simple if his name wasnt this and if he wasnt client moderator and he was just a random forum user right ? Nice democracy my friend. I wont continue this story and I will not waste more time trying to explain you basic things on how to be fair with everyone and anyone. It would be impressive if for the first time on this forums someone would react fairly and decrease a staffer's karma since he didnt respect his own rules. Lock it.
  11. I break the rules ? What you do you do if I broke the rules you didnt break them as well ? And explain me now which rules I have broken and what are the criteria you dekarma'd me except for the fact you got e-power ? Oh c'mon now man at least accept your own actions that will be good for you not me and I will not judge the who's wrong and who's right the forum users have understood this time ago. As about the 'respect' thing I cannot achieve respect from a forums and I dont want to to have respect all the people are not the same or like you. Anyway, I wont keep spaming this topic but you made my day. :)
  12. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=216175.msg1875212;boardseen#new I suggest you give a proper look to all of what I am saying and all the topics I posted and finally be fair on this forums because everyone has understood that something is going wrong here dont dekarma your buddy cool dekarma me just because Iam not a staffer at least I got a better behavior.
  13. Yea nice dekarma me because I told him what to do nice , continue doing this just because you have e-power and you think you rule in this forum king or better mr BR. Special ticket for you I have a nice behavior !!! Let's see who flames more and who is the worst user.
  14. Those are only some cool links I've found. PS: He is supposed to be client moderator he flames the people in almost every topic and when I said someone 'dumb' just for explain him the easy way he had the chance to dekarma me. I expect a nice dekarma for all of his actions. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=210032.msg1839280#msg1839280
  15. Exactly just have some mind and try some things yourself you dont need to panic most of the times you will find what you want if you use just try to make your mind work.
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