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Everything posted by secretakoc

  1. The server has lost many players because of the Gm team.They don't want ot login again because the think that it is fail server :S
  2. L2 ofc because the graphic of l2 are more real than WoW...
  3. As you can see the donators can Do anything.No bans,no jail,no no no ... Because they have give money....UNFAIR SERVER!
  4. Se polous server otan eisai sit dn boreis na kaneis unstuck...Otan kaneis .away ka8ese...mono ama patiseis .back sikwnese :P
  5. nai,giati o MS exei self buffs perisotera apo tn GS.Episis exei tromero attack speed kai se low rate servers pou dn exoun buffs to stun einai 8/10.Ena stun ama riksei o SR epese o GS... :P
  6. Ennoei oti exeis dipla sou ena cursed weapon,kai exeis active skill se allo weapon.Kaneis to active kai sikwneis katef8ian to cursed weapon.Mallon etsi kollaei to skill...
  7. 1)Maybe you have low connection internet. 2)Install again the C6. 3)Maybe the server has problem. 4)At all the server you has this problem?
  8. www.l2mxc.com(xp:x70) // www.l2appeal.com(xp:x50) // www.l2quality.tk(xp:x100)
  9. Egw sou lew tn 2h ekdoxh.8a traviksei ta mobs o Boshop,giati kanei heal,8a pesei o bishop,kai meta 8a pesei kai DA.. :P
  10. Kai to range?To critical power?Se low rate server O SR einai the best,alla se pvp servers pou einai full buffs o GS einai top!
  11. 1)Ok,i accept that these 2 are donators.But if this do a ally they will kill All the server... 2)You don't punish the donators because they have give you money.Is this fair?
  12. Egw otan epeza pokemon prin 4 xronia eixa ena skill pou legotane Secret Base.To tropopoihsa ligo kai to ekana SeCreTBoY h SeCreTAkoC.. Episis to 2o name m to vrika apo ena song. To ShutYourMouth apo to song ShutYourMouth-Pain.. :*
  13. Yes.Did u can tell us how many players are online daily ??
  14. www.l2deviance.com // www.l2Athebaltd.com // www.l2volgon.tk
  15. Because the enchant rate is 85% :P
  16. www.l2mxc.com Or look here : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=125565.0
  17. Ok.Let's start...The server has 5 Gm.2 Of them have char..Each char has 5actives or more...The admin don't do anything about the server..He stop the sieges every want...He said that are this 2chars are donator,but there are not..Each skill Cost 50euro..They have 5+ skill..They pwn all the server.We hit them for 1k Crt and they hit us for 2k(With EE,BP)..Their names are:Fabolous-xUmpsofableGoGos... Also the admin don't punish his friends!!They do wall pray and He said this : I dont punish him becase hi is donator!!I have some SS!! Look!!Don't join in this server.. http://img168.imageshack.us/img168/7412/ksaderfostougm.jpg[/img] P.S Sorry for my bad english..
  18. Gm banned me because i was tell him to do smting for all these..No items,No chars,No clans,etc..Name : SeCreTAkoC-SeCreTBoY...Fail server l2Athebaltd... ;d
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