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Everything posted by NickOoCrackeR

  1. coz its the bigger l2/cheating forum? maybe he is noob but u are stupid...
  2. erotisi, auto target kai auto attack den kanei to l2 net?
  3. de xreiazete na xrisimopoihseis to \ Pata afto p einai aristera apo to Deksi Shift. Afto p bazei to aggliko erwtimatiko.
  4. vazw stoixhma oti pote sou dn epe3es bnb k apla les oti exeis akousei na legete gia ton bnb olon afto ton kero.
  5. good, it will help a lot of ppl
  6. In every server there are bug. But most of them useless.
  7. assasin pro pvper ;)
  8. asmodians coz they are black
  9. coz even a 10 yo boy can create a char and learn the basics like the status window, shortcut bar etc...(w/o reading this guide)
  10. An einai ontws opos lene se 4 meres 8a einai online.Tora gt den exoun anakoinwsei akoma th selida de kserw...
  11. spellhowler <3
  12. Good job with the guide but its not really useful at all.
  13. i like it, seems cool
  14. Ghost Sentinel coz he is black
  15. I like Valakas
  16. Hey there, if any of u plays cross fire and he's not newbie(has low rank i mean),then reply here and we can make a clan and pwn them all or if u already have a clan u can advertise it here for ppl to join Cya Ps: I accept 1vs1 challenges at crossfire =]
  17. Voted Nai gt o eminence mas exei ksenerosei teleiws. Ka8e mish ora stucked. Syn ta rollback k ola ta ala misoftiagmena pragmata
  18. *%^$#[GM]#$^%*ADMINISTRATOR
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8FECgh1Dug ;D ;D Respect his dance abilities ;)
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