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Everything posted by NickOoCrackeR

  1. Spam spam. Kill Teh Spammer
  2. Dragon Ball: Raging Blast is the latest in a long, long series of games that try to take the superpowered fighting action of the popular anime series and adapt it into a compelling fighting game. The results here prove to be mixed. The visuals ably reproduce the lightning-quick speed and tremendous power that make the battles in Dragon Ball exciting. However, the fighting system lacks the depth and nuance to actually capture that excitement, making Raging Blast a game that Dragon Ball fans may enjoy for its breadth of content but one that has little to offer the uninitiated. The fights in Raging Blast take place in huge environments throughout which characters can dash and soar in any direction. Movement is handled simply, with the left stick hovering you forward, backward, and to the sides, while the shoulder buttons are used to fly up or down. The camera is situated behind your character and generally manages to keep both you and your opponent on screen, except in situations when you are on different vertical planes. In moments like this, you're given a great view of your fighter's head or feet while your opponent is nowhere to be found. It's easy enough to locate your opponent again--the tap of a button will make you immediately rocket toward your rival--but it happens frequently enough to be a nuisance. And while at first glance the environments look as if they go on forever, this illusion is shattered the first time you find yourself impeded by one of the invisible walls that surround them.
  3. Updated with a vid. As you can see there are many similarities with dota ;)
  4. h pio apla patas sto koumpaki p leei modify
  5. nice share but as endART said it's not something special Anyway keep up the good work
  6. Major arcana? Totally useless...
  7. Youtube works fine for me
  8. edw omos einai to spam topic
  9. Very nice game Sure i gonna give it a try
  10. cool thanks
  11. cool clip ;D ;D
  12. lol. It's everything in this tutorial
  13. haha cool But next time don't make ur letter size so high.It's annoying while reading.
  14. Lineage2 coz its pvp system is far better from the other's Also i cant compare it with cs. It's just different. The one is mmo rpg the other is fps :-\
  15. League of Legends is easy to learn, though this isn't to say that newcomers will immediately grasp every nuance. At the start of each match, you choose a champion, join a team of up to five players, and set out to destroy the opposing team's central structure, which is called the nexus. However, your real-life foes are not the only obstacle to becoming a true legend: The routes that lead to the enemy's nexus are defended by powerful turrets that are quick to dispatch you if you let your guard down for even a moment. This is where minions come in. A stream of AI-controlled units is frequently released from your base, and by assisting their charge down their predetermined lanes, you can more easily take down the towers--and players--that stand in your way. The click-heavy, Diablo-esque gameplay is simple enough, but the subtleties take time to master. You'll need to learn how to use minions to your advantage, when to push the lane (that is, aggressively charge forward) and when to pull back, and how to best utilize the strengths and weaknesses of your chosen champion. Matches are tense and exciting because there is little to no downtime. The action is quick to get started and the opposition isn't about to let up, so be ready to give each match your full focus. Successfully fending off an attack means more than just frantically clicking on your enemies. Your champion levels up during the match, and in turn, you earn and improve your four primary skills (you also have a fifth passive ability). These skills determine the role your chosen champion plays during the match. Corki, a mustachioed gnome that flits about in a gyrocopter, is good for crowd control, enhancing his ranged fire with additional machine-gun rounds and area-of-effect attacks. Annie is a creepy little girl who flings fireballs at targets and summons her pet bear to assist in battle. While champions don't have the varied skill trees featured in Demigod, a similar Defense of the Ancients-inspired game, the large number of characters offers more general diversity, and almost all of them are great fun to play. Further diversity comes from the in-game item store, where you can spend gold you earn during the match on equipment and consumables that improve your health regeneration, enhance damage resistance, improve your speed, and much more. If you're confused by the number of items available, don't worry: The game offers smart suggestions based on the champion you choose. League of Legends is a multiplayer-focused game. You can practice offline, but even new players aren't apt to be challenged by the pushover AI, which comes in only two difficulty levels: noob and easy. You'll want to join online games as soon as you can, and the matchmaking option lets you find other players who are theoretically around your level of ability. Yet even during your initial games, you're likely to face experienced players who are familiar with the formula's subtleties and are not afraid of vocalizing displeasure with a teammate's performance in--er--profane ways. Thankfully, if you've never tasted this particular game recipe, a tutorial level will introduce you to the basics, including one of League of Legends' unique additions: brush. You can hide in brush to conceal yourself from enemies, and good teams will use it to set up effective ambushes. Like Demigod, League of Legends does not feature any kind of single-player campaign, but online play is buttery smooth and finding a match is quick and easy.
  16. This game is pretty much funny I dont really like it
  17. to gl hv pou kolaei? to hf ok ala to gl? :-\
  18. It would be better if near the title of the game you could add its website. Anyway good job
  19. Hmoun sxedon apolyta sigouros oti 8a doulepsei Ala telika den doulepse :(
  20. welcome ;)
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