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Everything posted by 4everFaithless

  1. Funny they even disabled the forum so people cant complain about all the crap that doesnt work anymore - and on hopzone they are posting fake reviews :).
  2. Another server where drop is determined by lastshot and not most dmg done. Almost every zone is impossible to farm as a newbie without having 60% of your mobs KSed by idiots in FULL +16 raid boss jewels gear - and then as a bonus you get harassed and insulted. Seriously if you have nerves of steel and can take fighting a Champion mob till you almost die and then have a fucker steal your drop about 90% of the time (sometimes if you are really really lucky you might actualy get the last hit) then join - if not its better to just stay away because as a community the server is full of kids.
  3. Seriously dont even bother joining - its one of the worse servers ever. First of all - the guy doesnt know what he is doing at all - he just wiped the server and changed everything because nothing worked proper (an archer hitting a tank would only deal 0 dmg 99% of the time). The owner wiped and introduced some new stuff but now instead of farming for the enchants and stuff - everything is for adena which drops in huge ammounts and everybody just stands arround in towns enchanting armors and jewels and weapon till their fingers bleed. The wipe was supposed to bring some balance and resolve some issues (like the tankers complete invulnerability) but it failed again. When a Phoenix Knight with +30 shield stun and +15 chance shield slam can never land a single stun on a mage or bishop or trickster or even archer, not to mention shackle with +30 chance never landing, agression being completly ignored along with hate aura ; or the fact that skills like silence +30 chance never freaking land - seriously you realize something is completly wrong. If you dont belive me and think I'm just bashing this server out of spite just go check it out, in 15 minutes you will realize that all I'm saying is true. P.S. : Did I get to mention that the server has just a bunch of active players and all of them are mashed up into a single clan with no enemies ? Oh yeah that to.
  4. Then again, demanding money is the same thing private l2 servers are doing - how retarded is it to NOT play a game because they demand a monthly fee (i mean playing RETAIL), only to go buy levels/items on that private server - while also buying access (VIP, donator) on a cheats site (maxcheaters) to get a walker for that private server :). S
  5. Ok, I just read the post about donators and VIP's and I got to say that the donators got the middle finger right in their face. In light of this are we really surprized that normal users are considered useless ? For now being a donator here = almost nothing while being a normal user with lots of posts (to be read spam) = nothing - while normal users that dont spam and have just a few posts = less then nothing ? Well anyway, money is the only thing people seem to care here so might as well take a hike if you dont intend of spending some money to get a walker up on a private server - mainly because in the first place you didnt want to spend money on a game - can everyone see the sheer stupid IRONY in that ?
  6. Considering its 1000 posts needed to see it, it shouldnt even be considered "sharing" cause only a handfull of people will be able to use it. I for one could use it to log my buffer chars (since I already leveled them up manualy), but then again I got a good computer so quad boxing is not really a problem. P.S. : The people that run this site - do they really care that much about quantity of posts instead of the quality ? because actualy demanding certain number of posts can only lead to spaming in order to actualy achive something.
  7. Sadly the thing is the server is kinda crap, its not even worth playing there (even with afk bot).
  8. Now try saying that in english and using logic and proper sentence structure. P.S. : The walker doesnt work anymore since today, the char gets stuck before entering (->Enter World Timeout.).
  9. Kind of a useless guide imo, like we didnt know what skills to use (archers dont even have that many and seriously they are lol skills anyway) and that raid jewels improve a archer drasticly.
  10. For sure c4 - with all the new skills and classes and raid jewels everything turned to dust.
  11. This system with a certain number of posts just encourages spaming, its so damn annoying to have to have posts just to see a link.
  12. My first char was a sps
  13. Dota is way balanced and simple then HON and LOL ( for real with cent on dota with 4k hp u can live alot of shots from players - in league of legends with 4k hp u die in 3 seconds )
  14. t.e.r.a :)
  15. Raiden all the way
  16. hmmm minecraft wow aion
  17. Call of duty black ops
  18. hello and welcome !
  19. Yeah the new updated are just ridiculous time consuming crap.
  20. wow nice! cant w8 for it to get hacked ! :D
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