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Everything posted by GhostBuster-*

  1. lol,captcha is nothing against adrenaline.You'll see what i mean :P (i believe most adrenaline users know how to by pass captchas). Anyway wait for this.
  2. Check this: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/119004-l2off-l2khaos/ or this one : http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/196691-l2off-lineage-2-appeal/ Both great upcoming projects and servers,we may be there too. Idk about 1000+ though,gl to your research.
  3. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/196766-interlude-client-critical-error/
  4. Gia sou filaraki,den yparxei tetio script sto tower gia anti target.Genikotera oti bug ypirxe paliotera gia na mh se paroun target exei ftiaxtei.
  5. What a bad balance on economy system for a mid-rate server.Also low online,you should advertised dat before opened it.Anyway good luck,you'll need it.
  6. Everybody would like to see a bigger community and a stable number of real online,despite the event,you should do some more advertise too,community still low on forum..anyway
  7. Just add server in more sites,we will wait for news.
  8. What an idea to leave real color names on,white nick or just reccomendations,i don't like the colorfull names and titles that we meet all time over and over again every day on fail server.I give +1 not to add custom colors,just real nick colors and reccomendations would be joyful.
  9. I think thas gonna be a good feature too.Imagine a lineage milf-undersec server xD.all ppl wpuld play to meet those girls and whu not an event with the winner drinking a milf-shake. :d
  10. Undersec i just looked again the features and i saw an anti-bot feature witch i hope it works.Can you give us some info about what anti-bot you use if you want?
  11. Even worse :p
  12. Latest premium adrenaline can do it.Just buy of you are in need of botting in such servers.
  13. Some servers you need the full sustem to log.Also why dont you try cracked adr?its easier and better for such servers
  14. Hard or not please do not add it :). Let people enjoy olympiad and fight for heroes not farm about it :d
  15. Dont say big words.we 'll see if its epic when it goes live.Hope community or ddos not to dissapoint us :d
  16. I agree on this top but ppl nowadays dont even know what it is to be a noble and why you need to be a noble.xD community who is new to this game is retard,same for fail teams and administrators. Jaja
  17. Nice share Anarchy.Hipe this help some ppl. That code worked perfectly before too.
  18. Great addition for server start.
  19. Coin or armor?what y talk 'bout?both shoyldnt exist for me.
  20. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/197159-l2j-varkaswars/ no need to exist anymore since dat server is closed.
  21. No custom armor for gkd sake.Also leaving the hero couns is really bad idea who is liked to kids who cannot get hero on any class.Bad feature that will cost you.
  22. Dat server is off i am not wrong.
  23. Thats a bad server.Yiu can try l2mandra or l2undersec.They are both upcoming srvrs
  24. I think to at least add a grade.i mean cmon its h5 mid srvr.
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