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Everything posted by KaL

  1. I cant find you on skype, is it available yet?
  2. Hello. I am trying separate a NPC into an UKX of its own (currently, it's on a big UKX with others I don't need) to make it smaller, but when I try to import the exported .3ds file (with 3ds 2009) on Zmodeler 1.07, it won't let me do this. The program keeps opening over and over again the window to choose the file I want to open, even though I already did. I read in some places that this could be related to my SO. I tried running ZModeler in compatibility model aswell. How could I do this? Thank you.
  3. THanks! I will try it, but it will be very painful xD
  4. But how will I know what compression to use? (I can open Interlude utx and I verified that each text has one). Wouldn't that cause any distorsion or anything like that?
  5. Would it be that pskfix (I don't think so) or that ut2patch? Because I have both, but I can only work over ukx with them...
  6. I decrypted -> imported -> encrypted, that's what I did :/
  7. I did it :-\ After inserting the textures, I tried re-encrypting with l2decrypt and with l2encdec, but after replacing the texture onto the client, the client crashes on splash screen :/
  8. How will I import a .tga with l2tool? I am trying to replace one texture inside the utx not create a new one (since the address to it cannot be changed)
  9. Decrypting is not the problem... it's importing...
  10. Well, because of what Ganja said... I can't change UI texture addresses. It's a huge file... I couldn't find any guide about L2Font-e editing on H5, that would more or less work on the same way and check if I'm doing anything wrong. Is it possible to reimport all files maintaining it's properties? For instance, if I export them with umodel, if I simply import them to Unreal, won't it change? Because on importationg settings, I must set up a compression (DXT), and it goes to all of them at once..
  11. Did anyone succeed on dat encryptation? No matter what file edit I use, it doesn't work. L2Asm direct use doesn't work either, it gives always this output: Field 'face_mesh' has no soft limit but is cntby.
  12. Hello. I am trying to edit some textures in L2UI_CH3, but I can't import .dds into the .utx. I tried using l2decrypt and then l2tool, but my client doesn't even start. Also I tried using L2UTXFixer Ct2.3 and then L2tool, but I get CE on client splash. I can't pass utx to UED either with L2Tool. What am I doing wrong and how can I fix it? Thanks!
  13. Any prevision on when fórum will be normalized?
  14. Awesome! I really liked it ;)
  15. I'm trying to make a tool which includes packet decryptation, however I'm stuck on decrypt results. My application gets KeyPacket and find the BF Key, then I use it with this formula: public byte[] decryptRecv(byte[] raw, final int size) { if (!_isEnabled) return null; int temp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { int temp2 = raw[i] & 0xFF; raw[i] = (byte) (temp2 ^ _inKey[i&15] ^ temp); temp = temp2; } int old = _inKey[8] &0xff; old |= _inKey[9] << 8 &0xff00; old |= _inKey[10] << 0x10 &0xff0000; old |= _inKey[11] << 0x18 &0xff000000; old += size; _inKey[8] = (byte)(old &0xff); _inKey[9] = (byte)(old >> 0x08 &0xff); _inKey[10] = (byte)(old >> 0x10 &0xff); _inKey[11] = (byte)(old >> 0x18 &0xff); return raw; } This is the formula used by the emulators (gameserver part) but with the return of modified raw instead of void. I checked if the hex key is fine, and it is. Dunno if the conversion to byte is wrong, I'm using this: public byte[] hexToBytes(String hex) { hex = hex.replaceAll(" ", ""); byte[] b = new BigInteger(hex, 16).toByteArray(); return b; } I'm comparing the decryptation results with PHX results. Once every 15 checks, it goes ok, but the others, some bytes are different from PHX. For example: RequestAuthLogin of PHX Now, the same packet on my application: Bold hex are different of PHX. Also, the differences are always at these bytes. What am I doing wrong? Thanks
  16. Can someone translate it to English? :O Even google couldn't...I don't understand what you're saying.
  17. Well, if you wont help, why are you replying? ¬¬ But for exactly what? I convert texts to hex and then...? Didn't get your point...
  18. How can I decrypt lineageeffect.u? I tried with l2decrypt, but I can't really work on it, I get many encrypted sentences yet..
  19. The password is: www.secretwarez.net Credits paytaly for system files.
  20. This is nice, I will use it, but for now I can't open L2, is there any way to uninstall this?
  21. What packet makes the throwup effect then? There aren't any packs with this mod in Interlude, then the values in FlyToLocation are wrong (if it is the packet used by throwUp)
  22. The skill in XML doesn't have this effect, it says needs core support...I found this mod of ThrowUp in...well, I don't remember what was the trac now...but in the mod, it added the effect ThrowUp in XML and this effect was related with the new added file EffectThrowUp.java (gameserver.skills.effect.EffectThrowUp) and this file was importing FlyToLocation, thats why I though it was related to Antharas effect
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