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  1. Oi, you there?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Setekh
    3. ZOUMHS


      Now is not active anymore? Im working at eternal sin Athena x45 c4 project.

    4. Setekh


      hope you had a great new year, whats this project tho? my discord is Vlad.Ravenholm#7852, if i didnt accept ill just revisit my profile to make sure, also dm works, i love c4

  2. Do u miss me u suxor ? or u forgot about meh ?


    1. Setekh


      yeah, kinda missed ya

    2. TheMentaL


      kinda ? now i feel sad :( bring me a pizza ^.^ i just logged in after a long time and show ur msg :P


    3. Setekh


      Pizza, Vodka, Rakia and a lot of ill intend haha

  3. You still alive bitch

  4. Hey guys its been a while ! So as the title says lately i started to burn on Ark which is AMAZING game even in its Alpha stage ... I noticed that on the server im currently playing and the rest i went to take a look its always 1 tribe to rule the server and manipulate it the way it fits them ! so i was checking for a good European server fresh to start and of course with official rates i dont like the pvp fast exp , tame and shit ... i like it the hard way ! so im looking for fellas which play ark and they are looking for the same as me to start fresh :) Here is the IP u will find me on later on Server is hosted on dedicated in germany i was lucky enough to find the admin online so he gave me more infos he seems like a good guy , active and monitoring the server he wants to upgrade the server but he is watching if ppl are gonna care to play first ! so see ya ingame ;)
  5. Yeah its true archeage opened their server in our precious EU and NA a hit game which bring a new era to mmorpg sandbox games , i personally joined from alpha i didnt had time to play a lot but the moment i saw this game i wanted to contribute on this community , reminds be back on the age of lineage 2 Cronicle 1 when i saw that game i though i wasnt alive , i discovered that i wanted to be a GAMER !!! from the moment i played my first mmorpg which was L2 i never left games , it was a gateway to another world and year by year this world was becoming so much better . So without further talk let me give u an introduction of this amazing SandBox game which i personally believe it will be the most amazing mmorpg from now on !! ArcheAge is an MMORPG developed by Korean developer Jake Song (former developer of Lineage) and his development company, XL Games. The game was released in Korea on January 15, 2013, Europe and North America on September 16, 2014, and has also had a Closed Beta in China. ArcheAge is described as a "sandpark" MMORPG, which the developers say is a hybrid of the open content style of a "Sandbox" game and the more structured play experience of a "themepark" game. Gameplay Typical in-game scenery with player using a glider (upper right corner). Archeage features a zoneless world with third person view. Combat In addition to traditional combat settings, ArcheAge offers naval combat in such settings where players have to secure trade routes or engage in sea-land battles. Ships need to be built and equipped with weaponry and manpower and fights can be between players or against sea monsters. Player vs player (PvP) Player ships can be attacked. Buildings can be destroyed by other players including castles being attacked with siege weapons. City founding is possible by erecting floating city stones which can in turn be attempted to be captured by enemy forces. Crafting The crafting system in ArcheAge is very extensive with everything from equipment and food, the construction of vehicles, and building furniture for the player-owned homes. The more one crafts, the more crafting options become available. Housing The housing system allows players to construct buildings in designated, non-instanced zones throughout the world using a free-placement method. These buildings allow players to decorate their interiors/exteriors with both cosmetic and functional furnishings. Housing options range from small one-story cottages to large three-story mansions with their sizes directly affecting the amount of space required to place their foundations. Players must pay taxes on the land where they place their houses or run the risk of having them destroyed and losing some or all of the possessions therein. Most houses have a small area surrounding them that serves as space for farming, with the Thatched Farmhouse having the most farmable space of any structure. By purifying an Archeum Crystal on the northern continent of Auroria, player guilds can claim land upon which to construct castles. These castles grant lordship over the surrounding area with taxes paid on the property within being collectable periodically by the guild's leader. A castle's primary focus is the defense of the Archeum Crystal during sieges. Should the Archeum Crystal be overtaken, the attacking guild gains ownership of the Crystal and the surrounding castle. Land ownership is limited to "Patron" status holders and thus unavailable to free players. Farming After completing a quest early in a character's development, the ability to place a garden is obtained through the use of a scarecrow design. Further along in the character's development, a larger farm design becomes available. Using these designs, players are capable of claiming plots of land, typically in designated areas, where they can choose to raise a variety of plant and animal life. Only the owner of a farm, or those given permission by the owner, may access the farm and manage its contents. Players may also choose to plant their crops/trees/livestock in the open world but run the risk of other players stealing the contents, for which the transgressing player may receive crime points and eventually stand trial. Each plant or animal has a set length of time required for it to mature and become harvestable, with expedited growth in suitable climates. Usually, once matured, these plants and animals can be maintained for sustained yields, or picked/slaughtered/chopped down to clear the space and gather base materials. Upkeep involves feeding and occasionally medicating animals, watering plant life and gathering from trees with failing to do so in a timely manner resulting in the withering and eventual death of any plant or animal life. Some animals are capable of mating, producing offspring that may be capable of being raised as a mount or battle pet, though the chances of this happening are extremely rare. Players may choose to uproot plants or needlessly slaughter animals before they are fully matured. Doing so will result in the removal of the plant or animal and has a chance to yield a small return, though typically will result in a loss of the initial item. As with housing, farms require a tax to be paid in order to maintain ownership of the plots upon which they are placed. Taxes increase exponentially with each additional property owned. Failure to pay these taxes will result in the scarecrow being made vulnerable to attack, allowing players to destroy it and claim the plot for themselves. Mounts and pets ArcheAge has a pet system with pets being bought as babies and trained to grow into mounts or battle companions. Pets/mounts level up with distance traveled or experience gained during combat. They can be killed in battle, resurrected and suffer resurrection disease which can be healed at a stable. Pets/mounts have equipment slots like player characters. Politics ArcheAge contains a Judicial system with player run courts. Players can choose to answer jury summons and judge players who have committed crimes of theft or murder. There are minimum and maximum sentences that are determined by vote among the jurors. The system is a fundamental game mechanic, and not built to combat intentional "griefing" by players. Criminal players are imprisoned and can pay off their debt by working in the prison or trying to escape through digging their way out. Players are able to escape from the prison, however they are unable to use any abilities for the duration of their sentence. The development team has stated they may introduce a bribery system that would enable the accused player to bribe jurors. Questing Swimming in the ocean, a typical in-game scene. The early-bird system lets players submit quests which are not yet completely finished, in exchange for reduced experience rewards. The opposite effect is overachieving, by gaining additional quest objectives, resulting in bonus experience. Hidden quests are available too, which can be unlocked by reaching special achievements. Skills The skill system of ArcheAge is very flexible as one chooses three basic skill types from a selection of ten and can thus can create one's own "class" which is then leveled based in improvement. These classes can be changed at anytime at a specific NPC however it does cost in-game currency to do so and can become expensive. Trade Routes Trading routes are a very effective way to make money or if one chooses "marks" to unlock building or castle schematics. A player gathers or farms specific materials in order to craft resources at a destination specific terminal and walks or rides them to a corresponding trading post merchant. Upon creating the resource (example: farm strawberries to create strawberry jam), this resource is then placed in a pack on a player and the player is unable to walk at full speed. This makes using the public transportation system (automated bus carts and airships) essential for the fast transportation of these goods. The further the trading post is from the crafting terminal, the higher the reward a player will receive. Be warned, however, that while a player has his trading pack on he is unable to fight, and if the player is in neutral land, other players are free to kill him and take his pack. A player can place the pack on the ground whenever he wishes to fight and pick it back up. Players cannot ride regular mounts to transport these packs, but they can however store packs in ships. For land travel, players can get a donkey mount to help counter the slow-walking debuff. Travel There are many options for travel in ArcheAge, including walking, climbing (ladders, vines, trees), swimming, personal mounts and personal boats (from row boats to catamarans to galleons), as well as personal gliders or car-like machines such as tractors for transport of larger amounts of goods. There are predetermined travel routes by airships, taxi-like vehicles and portals too.Travel is fully 3-dimensional in ArcheAge; thus swimming and diving are possible. Diving can be improved with diving equipment. There is underwater planting, harvesting and gathering of resources along with underwater treasure hunting Some mounts allow players to backpack with another player upon invitation. Boats can be used in a similar fashion to transport other players with one player acting as driver. Gliders A unique way of transportation is to use gliders, which can be equipped and upgraded. Most of this text is copied from Wikipedia , i still have no words to describe this game !!
  6. Archeage and lol as we speak mostly in the mean time i play another bunch of games but mostly those 2
  7. bump till live we will gathering ppl for a guild if activity is good , we will go for it , if not we can be a family and play as grp on another guild ;) so either a Constant Party for group play or a guild we gonna have some fun !
  8. So i joined last night Archage which seems to be a new Epic MMORPG game with HUGE potentials , anyone intrested on helping me create a EU guild ? and join the ride with me , im looking for ppl willing to have some fun ! TS and forums can be made in no time . PPL willing to help and join pm me here or add me on skype koulisaman !! its gonna be fun and closed beta starts at 17th of july !! TS3 and Forums/Site will be made if we reach the population we need
  9. Playing l2 to remember the old good days !!

  10. if ur intrested about selling it contact me on skype : koulisaman and as dark said dont bother to add if u wanna go first ... ur not a trusted member i aint giving money in front and u wont find anyone prop so if u want to do the transaction and price talking add me ;)
  11. add me in skype koulisaman
  12. anyone can pm me how to do dat sh1t ?? :) ty in advance
  13. thats a server that makes me totally wanna start l2 again thats the spirit i will totally give it a shot gl !! and as always frank was providing the best gameplay and stability !
  14. i will agree with xdem , on the part that i also STRONGLY recommend not to buy any pack without source !
  15. some ppl just dont care
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