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Everything posted by Grim.

  1. Nigg' ya' ain't gettin' shit free around'ere.
  2. So what?Cause his father was the owner of Microsoft she's supposed to buy only MS products?NOT.
  3. Nice one,but i don't really like the teal color in the signature...
  4. Go at the red mark and show us what the error says...
  5. All this mess for a simple logo?
  6. Oh wait,i can see a total absurd noob that his whole life is lineage2.
  7. No..But i've spammed this topic with sons of anarchy more than 20 times and none watched it.Redemption :D
  8. Go and watch The Union,then you'll be able to criticize marijuana.
  9. Δηλαδή θες να μου πεις οτι επειδή εχω 1-2 t-shirts dropdead ειμαι emo?Εχεις πέσει ηδη σε χαμηλοτερο επιπεδο εφόσον κάθεσαι και σχολιάζεις τι φοράει ο καθένας.
  10. Y u people reffer to weed as drug? /facepalm
  11. I know a saw a picture of the votes.
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