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Everything posted by sandeagle

  1. you need make a territory_begin/territory_end then make a npcmaker_begin/npcmaker_end and in npcmaker you can add your own npcs...check npcpos.txt you will find some like this: territory_begin [elitezone] {{-16570;209381;-3684;-3364};{-16370;209381;-3684;-3364};{-16370;209581;-3684;-3364};{-16570;209581;-3684;-3364}} territory_end npcmaker_begin [elitezone] initial_spawn=all maximum_npc=1 npc_begin [kc_orc_captain] pos={-16470;209481;-3664;49152} total=1 respawn=1min npc_end npcmaker_end
  2. <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==1114628">Vampiric Rage</a> id = pch_id check your skill pch id...
  3. agree with your opinions. seems i wasted 500euros... i bought this pack on 2022/9/13,but two month later the pack was shared...great. the more funny things was he never fixed the problems... coz i checked the source that he sold for me and the source files last modification date was on 2020/5/14(he told me he fixed that,but infact he never did it)..... so anyway i dont recommend buy this pack.PLZ administrator could closed this topic??? dont buy it. dont buy it. dont buy it.. sorry for my bad english,some stuff I can't express clearly.but dont buy this pack even he updated his pack.
  4. contact TomaMaster,this guy decompile all C1 binary files...then he had rebuild C1,C2,C3,C4 pack(include Scripts)...so if there are complete server files about C1/C2/C3 in this world, only this guy has them,except Ncsoft. but bad news was that he never sell his pack... webside about his server... https://elmorelab.com/
  5. @TravorJ anyway,just 1 question.., could old customers get new updates?
  6. thx Anarchy.....but i didnot found ActiveAnticheat class in old Vanganth source... could you give me some hints?rly thx... BTW,i found this class in a Shared pack source...is it that? ActiveAnticheat.h #pragma once class CActiveAnticheat { BOOL m_Enabled; WCHAR m_BannedHWIDHTML[0x4000]; WCHAR m_onlyGMHTML[0x4000]; CSLock m_BannedLock; void LoadINI(); public: void Init(); inline WCHAR* GetBannedHtml() { return m_BannedHWIDHTML; }; inline BOOL IsEnabled() { return m_Enabled; }; }; extern CActiveAnticheat g_ActiveAnticheat; ActiveAnticheat.cpp #include "stdafx.h" #include "ActiveAnticheat.h" #include "DB.h" #include "SocketDB.h" #include "IndividualVote.h" CActiveAnticheat g_ActiveAnticheat; void CActiveAnticheat::Init() { LoadINI(); if(m_Enabled) { g_Log.Add(CLog::Blue, "[%s] Feature is enabled. ", __FUNCTION__); } } void CActiveAnticheat::LoadINI() { const TCHAR* section = _T("ActiveAnticheat"); m_Enabled = GetPrivateProfileInt(section, _T("Enabled"), 0, g_ConfigFile); }
  7. i means just detected bot program on server side but dont kick players.then i can do somthing for bot players.. i used vanganth's IL pack and checked his source in CliExt.cpp CCliExt::HandleCheckSum() The checksum function can be used to detect whether the player is using a bot program? thx for any1
  8. trusted developer.....good luck....Roe2
  9. in this pack,the DBscripts only have lin2Clancomm、lin2comm and lin2world ????no other DBscripts?like lin2db lin2log lin2user...? what the hell is this???
  10. what is Mobile server???its for mobile phone?
  11. oh my god...dont tell me these shits all was Classic 3.0 ?
  12. if you need C2 pack just contact MasterToma,but he never sell it for any1...
  13. thank you.Roe2.. how to let players level-1 when they use .delevel command?
  14. is there a .delevel command in Vanganth IL pack???or html bypass??
  15. i download Hellbound Island geodata from this forum... but in server side the geodata is l2j version... so which tool could convert l2j to l2off version??? thank you guyz..
  16. i had added Dragon weapons and skills in my server(Vanganth's server pack) now i wanna add two skills for one Dragon weapon...but i found in Itemdata'txt there is only one item_skill=[antaras_power] option... so how to automatically obtain 2 skills when players were equipped with this dragon weapon??? thank you...
  17. ok... skilldata.txt skill_begin skill_name=[HP_max_Tatoo1] skill_id=10633 level=1 operate_type=P effect={{p_max_hp;300;diff}} skill_end item_begin armor 10719 [HP_max_Tatoo1] item_type=armor slot_bit_type={underwear} armor_type=none etcitem_type=none recipe_id=0 blessed=0 weight=10 default_action=action_equip consume_type=consume_type_normal initial_count=1 maximum_count=1 soulshot_count=0 spiritshot_count=0 reduced_soulshot={} reduced_spiritshot={} reduced_mp_consume={} immediate_effect=1 price=1 default_price=500 item_skill=[HP_max_Tatoo1] critical_attack_skill=[none] attack_skill=[none] magic_skill=[none] item_skill_enchanted_four=[none] material_type=wood crystal_type=s crystal_count=10 is_trade=0 is_drop=0 is_destruct=1 physical_damage=0 random_damage=0 weapon_type=none can_penetrate=0 critical=0 hit_modify=0 avoid_modify=0 dual_fhit_rate=0 shield_defense=0 shield_defense_rate=0 attack_range=0 damage_range={} attack_speed=0 reuse_delay=0 mp_consume=0 magical_damage=0 durability=90 damaged=0 physical_defense=0 magical_defense=0 mp_bonus=0 category={} enchanted=0 html=[item_default.htm] equip_pet={0} magic_weapon=0 enchant_enable=0 can_equip_sex=-1 can_equip_race={} can_equip_change_class=-1 can_equip_class={} can_equip_agit=-1 can_equip_castle=-1 can_equip_castle_num={} can_equip_clan_leader=-1 can_equip_clan_level=-1 can_equip_hero=-1 can_equip_nobless=-1 can_equip_chaotic=-1 item_end itemdata.txt
  18. i made a custom item,its hair...so i add a new skill effect with it..like effect={{p_max_hp;300;diff}},but when i use this hair and i found charactor could get 600 HP???why is 2x? i just wanna add 300 HP for players.... item_begin armor 10719 [HP_max_Tatoo1] item_type=armor slot_bit_type={underwear} armor_type=none etcitem_type=none recipe_id=0 blessed=0 weight=10 default_action=action_equip consume_type=consume_type_normal initial_count=1 maximum_count=1 soulshot_count=0 spiritshot_count=0 reduced_soulshot={} reduced_spiritshot={} reduced_mp_consume={} immediate_effect=1 price=1 default_price=500 item_skill=[HP_max_Tatoo1] critical_attack_skill=[none] attack_skill=[none] magic_skill=[none] item_skill_enchanted_four=[none] material_type=wood crystal_type=s crystal_count=10 is_trade=0 is_drop=0 is_destruct=1 physical_damage=0 random_damage=0 weapon_type=none can_penetrate=0 critical=0 hit_modify=0 avoid_modify=0 dual_fhit_rate=0 shield_defense=0 shield_defense_rate=0 attack_range=0 damage_range={} attack_speed=0 reuse_delay=0 mp_consume=0 magical_damage=0 durability=90 damaged=0 physical_defense=0 magical_defense=0 mp_bonus=0 category={} enchanted=0 html=[item_default.htm] equip_pet={0} magic_weapon=0 enchant_enable=0 can_equip_sex=-1 can_equip_race={} can_equip_change_class=-1 can_equip_class={} can_equip_agit=-1 can_equip_castle=-1 can_equip_castle_num={} can_equip_clan_leader=-1 can_equip_clan_level=-1 can_equip_hero=-1 can_equip_nobless=-1 can_equip_chaotic=-1 item_end skill_begin skill_name=[HP_max_Tatoo1] skill_id=10633 level=1 operate_type=P effect={{p_max_hp;300;diff}} skill_end
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