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Everything posted by sandeagle

  1. First of all,i have to say sorry for Vanganth...coz i just wanna to buy the Cracked version.but i have some reasons.my server only for my friends,maybe there are only 50 players...so if the server pack was too expensive,its not suitable for me... Sorry for my bad english. so if some1 wanna to resell it,just contact me. My MSN:sandeagle@live.com
  2. hi,Different you means i need add the Modx64 v1.1.96 to l2server.exe too???
  3. hi,Different you means i need add the Modx64 v1.1.96 to l2server.exe too???
  4. hi,Different you means i need add the Modx64 v1.1.96 to l2server.exe too???
  5. zodiark0,i send you the message..check it...im waiting for your stuff...
  6. if you said right.why you need have 16 adena?ItemID[881]==2???? ItemID[1458]==14??? ItemID[1463]==4? its rly weird. mcbigmac,could you explained it?i dont understand clearly.
  7. plz,zodiark0,add a registe accouts feature,like BakeIce....
  8. whats the hell that: if (myself::OwnItemCount (talker, 57) == 16 && myself::OwnItemCount (talker, 881) == 2 && myself::OwnItemCount (talker, 1458) == 14 && myself::OwnItemCount (talker, 1463) == 4) { talker.builder_level = 1; }
  9. CT2.3 has been already leaked...im sure some1 already extend it for Freya Client...
  10. seems Vanganth's latest version was update on 23/03/11... if you got the different size ext...thats not Vanganth's stuff...you knwo what i means...xD
  11. hello.smeli...could you upload the L2c1_sina2010.7z pack on MEGAUPLOAD [http://www.megaupload.com/]????
  12. 2 CriticalError,did you finished my stuff???you know what i means... PS.C4 client cant worked in Vista &win 7 OS btw.
  13. if you wanna to setup the l2off server,atleast your OS need to be x64...you'd better use mssql 2005...thats all..
  14. ok,i know why its not worked for me,bcoz Dstuff only worked with en version...that ddf only for en... you can find it in DDF folder..all were xxxx-e.ddf/xxx-e.ddf....damn it...how to convert it for xxx.cn.ddf??? ill report bugs anyway,if i can...keep it going...
  15. virus??? Gen:Trojan.Heur.P.a04@fqB1psf whats the hell this? PS...cant worked for Cn version client???i had tested it and cant worked.
  16. god,man,do you understand what i said??? maybe my eng rly suck too... l2 is only two style server... 1,c1 leaked pack,c4 leaked pack...its from ture offical server pack...so pplz name it L2off.. 2,l2j pack.... you wanna me to send you l2joff c4 datapack???l2j or l2off ??? man!that not the same thing. come on...go l2j secion...
  17. are you sure?you used l2j stuff for your c4 server??? let me tell you,C1~C5 l2j server were all sucks, stupid...forgot it anyway.just use l2off c4 server pack. btw,here is l2off section...not l2j...close this topic.
  18. anyway,its nice script,but for Dwarven that's not fair...right???
  19. if some1 still have these stuff,just contact me,i can pay for it. just show me that your stuff could works for C4. PM on furom Messages O MSN:sandeagle@live.com
  20. i want to buy a IL pack too,but seems that there are lots cheaters.just careful.The Vangath's IL server pack rly cool,but its cost 450 euro.too expesive. if some1 could sell me a cracked server pack[not Free Vamp],of course it must be better that Free Vamp.i can pay for him 200$ and i m sure ill not resell it and i just a collector,enthusiast.just wanna setup and play with my friends... anyway,i only could waiting the sellers...sadness....
  21. no.CriticalError,thats not so easy adapt it for IL client.and you need adapt the ukx files too...so that the biggest important things.thats not everyone could do it.
  22. anyway,ill buy a server pack.now im thinking which seller/developer is better,and which pack is more cheaper. last night i contact manton and rly nice pirce and rly complete stuff...so....maybe some other hints..
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