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Everything posted by ptitlaby

  1. So now, I know that's is hardcoded, and that it's prolly hardcoded in nwindow.dll. Thank you both of you @AlisaCodeDragon and @911reg !
  2. One picture is worth a thousands word: How do I change the location of the logo ? I know how to change it (in L2Font-e), but I would like to put it in an other corner for example I am trying to do it on Interlude client, but it seems similar up to High Five so I am not surprised it would work on any client
  3. Hello, This mirror is mine Could you please send me some details about the patched system, and if it's compatible with the shares ? If yes , I can mirror it too Thank you!
  4. Awesome, that's exactly what I was looking for. Thank you !
  5. Awesome tool, thank you ! Quick questions : - I believe there are some walls in the green scene. Are they limiting the amount of Zoom out the camera is giving ? - Is there any command / keyboards to move around, flip, or change the scene ? - Is there a way to change the chroma key color (red or blue) or should I recreate an other entry.unr ?
  6. Hello, Does anyone know the options / configuration required to launch the game in Dev mode with a solid green / grey color background ? Any client between IL and H5 would do, I am not picky Thank you !
  7. Can confirm, this doesn't work with Windows 10 on my side either
  8. So, long story short : - Interlude has player collision client side - Clients after Hellbound doesn't have it How would you go with disabling player collision on client side in Interlude, or enabling it it on older clients, while keeping collision between players and npc ? I am thinking that if it's related to model, like having no collision radius / height on player models, it would not have any collision with any NPC aswell. So may be something in the way the engine compute movement ? any input is appreciated
  9. I believe lastest client don't have editing tools available, or may be only paid one. What's the current sweet spot for client editing, the most modern one with the ability to edit it easily ? I heard that Fafurion client isn't too bad, is there any more modern ? Thanks!
  10. Thanks for the share, very interesting to have that around Are the script differences noticeable ? Could it be something akin to High five part 1 against usual scripts for high five part 5 ?
  11. Hey, thanks for the share. One question after reading the decompiled code, wouldn't WeaponEnchantTable better called FullBodyEnchantTable ? Since SlotType == 32768 for one piece armor, ( 32768 >> 15 & 1) evals to 1, which makes use of this table. It would also makes sense with the align 20h which makes the first value of this table be at the location used for the enchant level at 4 Other findings / value are otherwise in line with what was guessed regarding retail OE behavior, which seems fair Now I am wondering if the function changed in Gracia Final L2Server.exe :)
  12. http://l2.laby.fr/files/repo-l2nostalgia-eu/ As said in the URL, this is a mirror of the repository of L2 Nostalgia. There is a very decent collection of files, extenders, and tools Mirrors being good, here you go :) Content is also available in this file, with direct links : http://l2.laby.fr/files/repo-l2nostalgia-eu/filelist.html ./ ├── C0 │ └── Client │ └── Prelude_Beta.zip ├── C1 │ ├── Client │ │ ├── C1_418 - Harbingers of War.zip │ │ ├── Patched │ │ │ ├── C1_for_server_v4.zip │ │ │ ├── L2c1x1Com.rar │ │ │ └── LineageII.zip │ │ └── Patches │ │ ├── 0_l2_c1_sina2017_update.zip │ │ ├── C1_Patch (For server v4).zip │ │ ├── c3 textures │ │ │ ├── armorgrp.C3.clear.rar │ │ │ ├── armorgrp.rar │ │ │ └── [c1]c3textures_v1.2.rar │ │ ├── C3Textures.zip │ │ ├── c6 systextures - B grade work.rar │ │ ├── chargrp (underwear patch).rar │ │ ├── l2c1ruspatch_v_1_0.7z │ │ ├── l2_c1_sina2012_client_c2_patch.zip │ │ ├── L2DataC1(offline db).zip │ │ ├── L2_SkillTime.rar │ │ ├── npcname-e(agro patch).rar │ │ ├── System_For_Win_10.zip │ │ └── Win7fix.zip │ ├── Server │ │ ├── Chronicle 1 - Harbingers of War.rar │ │ ├── l2_c1_sina2017.zip │ │ ├── LineageII_C1.rar │ │ ├── Parts │ │ │ ├── DBScript.zip │ │ │ ├── GM_commands.zip │ │ │ ├── Lineage_Server_status.rar │ │ │ ├── master_toma-lineage2-c1-harbingers-of-war-67f13b290295.zip │ │ │ └── npcdata.zip │ │ ├── Server_lineage_2_c1.rar │ │ ├── Server_lineage_2_c1_v2.rar │ │ ├── Server_lineage_2_c1_v3.rar │ │ └── Server_lineage_2_c1_v4.zip │ └── Utils │ ├── C1 - L2Informer 0.6.rar │ ├── L2DataC1(offline db).zip │ ├── Lineage_Server_status.rar │ ├── MultiOkno.rar │ └── TargetPlus (auto SS).rar ├── C2 │ ├── Client │ │ ├── C2_485 - Age of Splendor.zip │ │ ├── Patched │ │ │ └── L2Firebird_CH2.exe │ │ └── Patches │ │ ├── c2_nogg_patch.rar │ │ ├── system_485_Win7_noGG_KeySec_fixed.zip │ │ └── Win7fix.zip │ └── Server │ ├── ProjectC2-Beta4.rar │ └── Server_Lineage2_Off_C2_from_la2base.rar ├── C3 │ ├── Client │ │ ├── C2_485 - Age of Splendor.zip │ │ ├── C3_530 - Rise of Darkness.zip │ │ └── Patches │ │ ├── c3_530_Vista7_noGG-fix.zip │ │ ├── c3_nogg_patch_fyyre.rar │ │ ├── c3_nogg_patch_l2ggbps.rar │ │ ├── L2classic-update.rar │ │ ├── Patch_L2C3.7z │ │ ├── system_530_Vista7_noGG_KeySec_fixed.zip.zip │ │ ├── system530_Vista7_noGG.zip │ │ ├── system560c4v22.zip │ │ ├── System_C4_for_C3_NoGG_Win7_fixed.rar │ │ └── Vista7fix.rar │ └── Server │ ├── L2OFF_Server_C3_Complete.rar │ └── Server_Lineage2_Off_C3_from_la2base.rar ├── C4 │ ├── Client │ │ ├── C4_656 - Scions of Destiny.zip │ │ └── Patches │ │ ├── c4_nogg_dll_patch.rar │ │ ├── c4_nogg_dll_proto_659.rar │ │ ├── c4_nogg_dll_proto_660.rar │ │ ├── System656 2017_Vista7_noGG_KeySecurity_fix.rar │ │ └── System656_Vista7_noGG_fix.rar │ └── Server │ ├── C4_official_files_la2world_rev_170.rar │ ├── c4_pts storm.rar │ ├── c4_source Oldgaming.net.rar │ ├── L2_Off_C4_Serv.exe │ ├── Parts │ │ ├── DBScript.zip │ │ ├── GM_commands.zip │ │ └── npcdata.zip │ └── RaGEZONE_Official_C4_Pack_Live.rar ├── C5 │ ├── Client │ │ ├── C5_693 - Oath of Blood.zip │ │ └── Patches │ │ ├── Engine693_patched.zip │ │ ├── NoGG │ │ │ ├── antigg.zip │ │ │ ├── c5ggfix.rar │ │ │ ├── c5_nogg_dll2.rar │ │ │ ├── c5_nogg_dll.rar │ │ │ ├── C5_NOGG.RAR │ │ │ ├── emo-ggvard.ZIP │ │ │ ├── KiLL_GG_C5_693_protocol.rar │ │ │ └── nwindow_patched.zip │ │ ├── Official │ │ │ ├── C5_Last_NA_update.zip │ │ │ ├── C5_system-693.7z │ │ │ └── C5-system-709-clean.zip │ │ └── System │ │ ├── 1cc_5oath_of_blood_system.7z │ │ ├── 3_Patch.rar │ │ ├── Auragame C5.rar │ │ ├── c5_by_raule.rar │ │ ├── C5 patch by Soul.rar │ │ ├── C5 System.rar │ │ ├── DisgraceC5FULLpatchV1.rar │ │ ├── l2_ee EXTEND.7z │ │ ├── L2Nostalgia_patch.rar │ │ ├── Omen final update.rar │ │ ├── patch_l2_ee.7z │ │ ├── RT_Patch_v20.rar │ │ ├── system_693.rar │ │ ├── system_709_clean_noGG.rar │ │ ├── system_709.rar │ │ ├── system_709v2.rar │ │ ├── system_709v3.rar │ │ ├── system_nogg.rar │ │ └── system.zip │ ├── Server │ │ ├── C4extC5].zip │ │ ├── EXTSERVERPACKC5.rar │ │ ├── Lineage2-C5v1.rar │ │ ├── Lineage_2_C5_v2.rar │ │ ├── Lineage2-C5v2.rar │ │ ├── Parts │ │ │ ├── bfishy.zip │ │ │ ├── EMU_GG wtf.ZIP │ │ │ ├── EngineExt.zip │ │ │ ├── GG-kill(all)[EMU_WEB_SERVER].rar │ │ │ └── GG_Last UPD.zip │ │ ├── Server_lineage_2_c5_v1.rar │ │ └── ServidorC5Full.rar │ └── Utils │ ├── L2FileEdit-master.zip │ └── Lineage ][ File Edit(Interlude And C5-NEW).exe ├── C6 │ ├── Client │ │ ├── C6_740 - Interlude.zip │ │ ├── Patched │ │ │ └── Lineage2NostalgiaClient.zip │ │ └── Patches │ │ ├── C6droppatch.rar │ │ ├── engine.dll_win10.rar │ │ ├── engine.dll_win10v2.rar │ │ ├── interlude_nogg.rar │ │ ├── interlude_to_graciafinal_nogg.rar │ │ ├── L2C6_Mod_ToolZoom_Hack.ace │ │ ├── nogg_patch_746.rar │ │ ├── System │ │ │ ├── system_744_clean_noGG.rar │ │ │ ├── system_746_clean.rar │ │ │ └── system_746_Win10.rar │ │ └── wildcard.rar │ └── Server │ ├── C6_AdvExt64_demo.zip │ ├── depmax64 geodata.rar │ ├── free_l2d_geodata.zip │ ├── Geodata.7z │ ├── html.zip │ ├── Interlude_official_files_beta.rar │ ├── L2nostalgia-C4-themed-C6-2019-09-09.zip │ ├── L2OFF_Server_Interlude_64Bits.rar │ ├── Server_C6_Interlude_Off.rar │ ├── Server_Lineage2_Interlude_Off_x64.rar │ ├── SVN-Vanganth_IT_last_Maxcheater.com.zip │ └── Vanganth source Interlude.zip ├── CT │ └── Client │ ├── Lineage2_GraciaFinal.zip │ ├── Lineage2_Helbound.zip │ ├── Lineage2_Kamael.rar │ └── Patches │ ├── ct15_unicode.rar │ ├── Hellbound Drop Patch_v2.rar │ └── npcname-e-hb.rar ├── filelist.txt ├── Guides │ ├── BufferNPC.zip │ ├── C1GMcommands.zip │ ├── Client modifications to view skills_monsters_npcs_items.zip │ ├── Editing Html Windows In H5 [Lineage 2] - Tutorials - LordCraft.zip │ ├── ElfPaperdoll.7z │ ├── GM Commands Guide.zip │ ├── GMcommands.zip │ ├── [Guide] Adapting Items Between Chronicles [All Chronicles].zip │ ├── [Guide] Attaching an Extender - Server Development Discussion [L2OFF] - MaxCheaters.com.mhtml.zip │ ├── [Guide] [L2Off]_ Gmshop,teleporter,buffer Creation.(All In One).mhtml.zip │ ├── [Guide]L2 Official Server Setup Guide for Noobs-English.zip │ ├── [Guide] NPCs & OTHER CUSTOM STUFF_ Adding, Customising.zip │ ├── [Guide]Unlimited zoom & zoom through wall - Client Development Discussion - MaxCheaters.com.mhtml.zip │ ├── [help[ Configure seven signs _ AdvExt64.zip │ ├── Help with 7 signs_olympiad set up. - Request Server Development Help [L2OFF] - MaxCheaters.com.mhtml.zip │ ├── Lineage_Ii_-_Prima_Game_Guide_2004.rar │ ├── Notes.zip │ ├── Quest Items in luxury shop.zip │ ├── setup server guide.zip │ └── Texture Editing.zip ├── L2J │ ├── C1 │ │ └── Chronicle 1 - Harbingers of War.rar │ ├── C2 │ │ ├── Chronicle 2 - Age of Splendor 1.rar │ │ └── Chronicle 2 - Age of Splendor.rar │ ├── C4 │ │ ├── c4_festinka.7z │ │ ├── C4 + Geodata .zip │ │ └── c4_source Oldgaming.net.rar │ ├── C5 │ │ ├── c5_L2j_sourse.rar │ │ ├── L2C5_OldArchive.zip │ │ ├── L2J C5 Builded Pack.zip │ │ ├── L2J_RT_C5_Server&Datapack_1275.rar │ │ ├── RusTeam_1265.rar │ │ └── Serveræ5.rar │ ├── Epilogue │ │ ├── L2Phoenix Shaitan Edition v213.zip │ │ ├── l2scripts_source_FIXED.rar │ │ ├── łßÕ«żŁ©¬© Epilogue l2ed nextlast.rar │ │ ├── łßÕ«żŁ©¬© vt Eepilogue.rar │ │ ├── maddevREVXZ.rar │ │ ├── sundev615.rar │ │ ├── Sun-Dev [rev.613].7z │ │ ├── T2.4 (Gracia Epilogue) - L2DC 4799.7z │ │ ├── T2.4 (Gracia Epilogue) - L2jServer.7z │ │ ├── T2.4 (Gracia Epilogue) - L2Open.7z │ │ ├── T2.4 (Gracia Epilogue) - L2Phoenix 20715.7z │ │ ├── T2.4 (Gracia Epilogue) - NextGen.7z │ │ ├── T2.4 (Gracia Epilogue) - Voron Dev.7z │ │ ├── T2.4 (Gracia Epilogue) - VT.7z │ │ └── trunk la2vt.7z │ ├── Freya │ │ ├── CCP.zip │ │ ├── L2Open_rev_1853_by_revolt_team.7z │ │ ├── T2.5 (Freya) - L2Brick.7z │ │ ├── T2.5 (Freya) - L2jServer.7z │ │ ├── T2.5 (Freya) - Lasteam.7z │ │ ├── T2.5 (Freya) - OpenTeam.7z │ │ └── T2.5 (Freya) - The Abyss.7z │ ├── Geodata.zip │ ├── Goddess of Destruction │ │ ├── bomberg.ru.rar │ │ ├── fw-tm.rar │ │ ├── GoID-RebellionSide(Maven).rar │ │ ├── Novell-Team.rar │ │ ├── T3 (GOD) - Eclipse Dev.7z │ │ ├── T3 (GOD) - FT.7z │ │ └── T3 (GOD) - WT (la2era).7z │ ├── Gracia Final │ │ ├── L2Ace.rar │ │ ├── SC_v170.rar │ │ ├── T2.3 (Gracia Final) - L2Dream 3377.7z │ │ ├── T2.3 (Gracia Final) - L2jFree.7z │ │ ├── T2.3 (Gracia Final) - L2jServer.7z │ │ └── T2.3 (Gracia Final) - L2Open.7z │ ├── Hellbound │ │ └── T1 (Hellbound) - Revellion 8475.7z │ ├── High Five │ │ ├── FandC.7z │ │ ├── L2Emu-Enterprice.rar │ │ ├── L2EmuEnterpriseSource.zip │ │ ├── L2JPSSOURCE-20-06.7z │ │ ├── T2.6 (High Five) - Lasteam.7z │ │ ├── T2.6 (High Five) - OverWorld.7z │ │ └── T2.6 (High Five) - Shark Team.7z │ └── Interlude │ ├── acis_rev_300.7z │ ├── l2impulse_Source.rar │ ├── L2R_GVE.7z │ ├── La2Onix.7z │ ├── Lasteam [Lucera src].7z │ ├── Region 4.3.rar │ ├── Rigel.7z │ ├── Scoria Last.zip │ ├── Storm Inside (L2Et).7z │ ├── T0 (Interlude) - Acis 290.7z │ ├── T0 (Interlude) - Balancer 6578.7z │ ├── T0 (Interlude) - Deadline.7z │ ├── T0 (Interlude) - Edevez.7z │ ├── T0 (Interlude) - EON.7z │ ├── T0 (Interlude) - EST 352.7z │ ├── T0 (Interlude) - FireAge.7z │ ├── T0 (Interlude) - HardCode.7z │ ├── T0 (Interlude) - Impulse.7z │ ├── T0 (Interlude) - L2-Dream v3.7z │ ├── T0 (Interlude) - L2jCore 3.5.7z │ ├── T0 (Interlude) - L2Jenosid.7z │ ├── T0 (Interlude) - L2jFree.7z │ ├── T0 (Interlude) - L2jLink.7z │ ├── T0 (Interlude) - L2jMack.7z │ ├── T0 (Interlude) - L2jOneo.7z │ ├── T0 (Interlude) - L2jServer.7z │ ├── T0 (Interlude) - L2jTeon.7z │ ├── T0 (Interlude) - L2Region (original).7z │ ├── T0 (Interlude) - L2RT │ ├── T0 (Interlude) - L2Sigmo.7z │ ├── T0 (Interlude) - La2Base.7z │ ├── T0 (Interlude) - Lasteam [Rebellion src].7z │ ├── T0 (Interlude) - Legion.7z │ ├── T0 (Interlude) - Lucera.7z │ ├── T0 (Interlude) - Rebellion.7z │ ├── T0 (Interlude) - Silentium.7z │ ├── T0 (Interlude) - S-Project.7z │ ├── The Grand.rar │ └── trunk_310_acis.rar └── Tools ├── Client │ ├── Crypto │ │ ├── Actionnamedec.zip │ │ ├── C3L2ClientDat.zip │ │ ├── datencoder.zip │ │ ├── DecryptPack.zip │ │ ├── For various Clients.rar │ │ ├── Gracia enc.rar │ │ ├── HamiPack2.zip │ │ ├── HamiPack.zip │ │ ├── L2Dat_EncDecSetup_Rev30.zip │ │ ├── L2Dat_EncDec.zip │ │ ├── l2decrypt.zip │ │ ├── l2encdec_261.zip │ │ ├── l2encdec_272.rar │ │ ├── l2encdec_273.zip │ │ ├── l2encdec_281.rar │ │ ├── l2endec- │ │ └── PHP C3EncDec.zip │ ├── FileEditors │ │ ├── Epilogue.zip │ │ ├── Hellbound.zip │ │ ├── Kamael-Hellbound-Gracia.zip │ │ ├── l2 fileedit 1.1.zip │ │ ├── L2FileEdit_GOD.rar │ │ ├── L2FileEdit-master.zip │ │ ├── L2 file editor C4 to High Five.rar │ │ ├── l2lige.7z │ │ └── Lineage FileEdit-Interlude And C5-NEW.zip │ └── Textures │ ├── DDS.zip │ ├── IconExtractor.zip │ ├── l2toolo.zip │ ├── Programs.rar │ └── ue2runtime-22261903.zip ├── Server │ ├── Account │ │ ├── l2account.zip │ │ ├── L2AC.zip │ │ └── L2Pass.zip │ ├── AI │ │ ├── AI Editor.zip │ │ ├── AI fix.zip │ │ ├── AI Modifier.zip │ │ ├── AIMod.zip │ │ ├── AIM.rar │ │ ├── aiview.zip │ │ └── NASC.zip │ ├── Anti-Cheat.zip │ ├── Auth │ │ ├── AuthDPatcher.zip │ │ ├── Authd Sniffer.zip │ │ └── hAuthD.zip │ ├── GeoData │ │ ├── 3D GeoViewer.zip │ │ ├── 3D Viewer.zip │ │ ├── C4-Map.zip │ │ ├── GDVRP.zip │ │ ├── GeoData.zip │ │ ├── GeoEdit-v2.zip │ │ ├── GeoEdit.zip │ │ ├── GeoGenerator.zip │ │ ├── GeoMaker.zip │ │ ├── L2GeoData.zip │ │ ├── L2Map.zip │ │ ├── L2 World Viewer.zip │ │ ├── Õ£_ÕøŠµ¤źĶ»ó.zip │ │ └── TerraMaker.zip │ ├── L2admin.zip │ ├── L2ConnectionManager.zip │ ├── L2Import.zip │ ├── L2SqlLogClear.zip │ ├── Monitors │ │ ├── l2_checker.zip │ │ ├── L2 Proc.zip │ │ ├── Pguard.zip │ │ └── TFishFan1.zip │ ├── MS │ │ ├── d3d8-gl-0.09.exe.zip │ │ ├── ExplorerSuite.zip │ │ ├── IIS.zip │ │ ├── SQL 2005 Express.zip │ │ └── SQL 2008R2 Express.zip │ ├── Petition │ │ ├── PetitionClient.zip │ │ ├── PetitionD.zip │ │ ├── Petition.zip │ │ └── WorldSample.zip │ ├── RS Rebuilder.zip │ ├── Script │ │ ├── Checkers │ │ │ ├── Checkers.zip │ │ │ └── idChecker.zip │ │ ├── Editors │ │ │ ├── BuffTimeEdit.zip │ │ │ ├── L2Control.zip │ │ │ ├── L2Editor.7z │ │ │ ├── L2Editor.zip │ │ │ ├── l2_script_maker_full.rar │ │ │ ├── L2ScriptMaker.zip │ │ │ ├── L2Worker.zip │ │ │ ├── NpcPos Editor.zip │ │ │ └── RMZ Control.zip │ │ ├── Gen_PCH.zip │ │ ├── Incrementer.zip │ │ ├── L2ScriptMaker.zip │ │ ├── Listers │ │ │ ├── GradesLister.zip │ │ │ └── ItemsLister.zip │ │ ├── PCH Makers.zip │ │ ├── Pet Maker.zip │ │ ├── Rates │ │ │ ├── drops.rar │ │ │ ├── drop.zip │ │ │ ├── L2DropsMaster.zip │ │ │ ├── l2npc.zip │ │ │ ├── L2Rates.rar │ │ │ ├── MNpcdata.zip │ │ │ ├── Mysql Rates.zip │ │ │ ├── NpcDataControl.zip.zip │ │ │ ├── NPCDataMixer.rar │ │ │ ├── npcdata.zip │ │ │ ├── NpcUpdaterGUIexe.zip │ │ │ ├── RateChangerLight.zip │ │ │ └── Rater_Light.zip │ │ └── Recipes │ │ ├── C2Recipes.zip │ │ ├── recipe2html.zip │ │ └── recipe_corr.zip │ ├── Translator.zip │ ├── Updaters │ │ ├── L2Updater_V1.3.rar │ │ ├── L2Updater_v2.rar │ │ ├── l3updater.zip │ │ ├── UpdateBuilderV4.6.rar │ │ ├── UpdaterCleanVer2.zip │ │ ├── UpdaterClean.zip │ │ └── updater.zip │ └── UTPT.zip ├── Utils │ ├── C1L2Informer-0.6.rar │ ├── Config.zip │ ├── CProcess.zip │ ├── Decompilers │ │ ├── compiler.zip │ │ ├── hiew_710.zip │ │ ├── odbg110.zip │ │ └── PE.Explorer_setup.exe.zip │ ├── drops.rar │ ├── Frhed-hexeditor-1.6.0-exe.zip │ ├── Ideal 2.zip │ ├── l2oggpatcher_101.zip │ ├── L2pe-2.4.0.exe.zip │ ├── L2smr-1.6.0.exe.zip │ ├── L2_Utills_V2.0.zip │ ├── Linage2Server.zip │ ├── Login1.zip │ ├── MultiOkno.rar │ ├── TargetPlus (auto SS).rar │ ├── Unknown.zip │ ├── XdatEditor-1.3.8.exe.zip │ └── Сrafter.rar └── Web ├── Donate panel.rar ├── L2ASP.zip ├── L2ControlPanel.zip ├── L2 Java Website.rar ├── L2 Kael Website.rar ├── L2 Renewal Website.rar ├── L2 Rhapsody Website.rar ├── l2shrine-dropspoil-05136d97f5ab.zip ├── paradiseacm1.3.rar ├── PHP Scripts.zip └── Websites.rar 78 directories, 417 files
  13. Looking for clean system folder for Classic 2.7 : Antharas (Protocol 140) Thank you in advance :)
  14. So @Rayduxz just pointed me to this topic, and we found together quite unexpectedly that sending the wrong packet size ... works. My website is sending 06 00 0E FF FF FF FD and it seems to be working
  15. https://www.codecademy.com/
  16. Thanks to UgliBiBagli and SSnakEE help, I was able to achieve what I was looking for. Small comparaison pic :
  17. Thank you for the details ! I am not sure I have all ChatType values, I can probably try to do something with CHAT_TELL I will prolly try to edit the hexadecimal values directly such as explained in this guide. Is there any other way to do it ?
  18. I saw this function : function HandleChatmessage (string param) { local int nTmp; local EChatType Type; local ESystemMsgType systemType; local string Text; local Color Color; ParseInt(param,"Type",nTmp); Type = nTmp; ParseString(param,"Msg",Text); ParseInt(param,"ColorR",nTmp); Color.R = nTmp; ParseInt(param,"ColorG",nTmp); Color.G = nTmp; ParseInt(param,"ColorB",nTmp); Color.B = nTmp; Color.A = 255; if ( Type == 5 ) { ParseInt(param,"SysType",nTmp); systemType = nTmp; } else { systemType = 0; } if ( CheckFilter(Type,0,systemType) ) { NormalChat.AddString(Text,Color); } if ( CheckFilter(Type,2,systemType) ) { PartyChat.AddString(Text,Color); } if ( CheckFilter(Type,3,systemType) ) { ClanChat.AddString(Text,Color); } if ( CheckFilter(Type,1,systemType) ) { TradeChat.AddString(Text,Color); } if ( CheckFilter(Type,4,systemType) ) { AllyChat.AddString(Text,Color); } if ( CheckFilter(Type,5,systemType) ) { SystemMsg.AddString(Text,Color); } if ( (Type == 15) && (m_NoUnionCommanderMessage == 0) ) { ShowUnionCommanderMessgage(Text); } } Is this the one you were thinking about ? Since the private message color is the only one without any green in it, I could indeed add something like : if ( Color.G == 0 ) { Color.G = 115; } This will be a major pain in the as$ to do it in hexa tho ><
  19. Hello there, I want to change the default chat color for an interlude client, especially the one for private message. Current pink is just too ugly and hard to read. I believe I'll have to edit the file Interface.u. I found an example in the scripts from High Five interface.u, especially in UICommonApi.ScriptText.uc // Chat Color /* function Color GetChatColorByType( EChatType a_Type ) { local Color ResultColor; ResultColor.A = 255; switch( a_Type ) { case CHAT_NORMAL: case CHAT_PARTY_ROOM_CHAT : case CHAT_USER_PET : // '^' ResultColor.R = 220; ResultColor.G = 220; ResultColor.B = 220; break; case CHAT_SHOUT: // '!' case CHAT_CUSTOM : ResultColor.R = 255; ResultColor.G = 114; ResultColor.B = 0; break; case CHAT_TELL: // ' " ' ResultColor.R = 255; ResultColor.G = 0; ResultColor.B = 255; break; case CHAT_PARTY: // '#' ResultColor.R = 0; ResultColor.G = 255; ResultColor.B = 0; break; case CHAT_CLAN: // '@' ResultColor.R = 125; ResultColor.G = 119; ResultColor.B = 255; break; case CHAT_SYSTEM : // '' ResultColor.R = 176; ResultColor.G = 155; ResultColor.B = 121; break; case CHAT_GM_PET : // '&' case CHAT_ANNOUNCE : ResultColor.R = 128; ResultColor.G = 255; ResultColor.B = 255; break; case CHAT_MARKET: // '+' ResultColor.R = 234; ResultColor.G = 165; ResultColor.B = 245; break; case CHAT_ALLIANCE: // '%' ResultColor.R = 119; ResultColor.G = 255; ResultColor.B = 153; break; case CHAT_COMMANDER_CHAT : case CHAT_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE : ResultColor.R = 255; ResultColor.G = 150; ResultColor.B = 149; break; case CHAT_INTER_PARTYMASTER_CHAT : ResultColor.R = 255; ResultColor.G = 248; ResultColor.B = 178; break; case CHAT_CRITICAL_ANNOUNCE : ResultColor.R = 0; ResultColor.G = 255; ResultColor.B = 255; break; case CHAT_HERO : ResultColor.R = 64; ResultColor.G = 140; ResultColor.B = 255; break; } return ResultColor; } */ I am looking for something similar in the interlude version. Any pointer would be appreciated. Thanks !
  20. Since few weeks I am having some troubles with the last Skillgrp.dat file from Valiance update : Here is the file I am using : http://l2.laby.fr/files/Skillgrp.dat . Does any of you found a solution ? Since It is not occuring on first row, I am not really sure on how this changed
  21. Env.int is not the file responsible for enchantment glow on last versions of the client. WeaponEnchantEffectData.dat seems to do the job
  22. Thank you very much for this little guide, there are far more information that what I ever find on the internet. I will try my best so, if I post anything that will be because I mastered it :D
  23. Thank you very much :) If you are interested to teach / explain how to make those DDF files I am interested ! I listed there the files missing / not updated yet :) AbilityPoint.dat ActionName-e.dat (got a strange output, but working) AdditionalJewelEquipEffect AdditionalNpcGrpParts AdditionalSoulshotEffect
  24. Hey there, Many seems to be looking for the Ertheia System folder (new Lineage 2 update) http://l2.laby.fr/Ertheia/Ertheia_071213.rar Direct download link, nothing to pay / click / wait. I am looking for a guide to make your own DDF file btw :) Enjoy !
  25. Tried it on High Five L2j server, didn't work. The game window is stuck on "loading" and the phx window is stuck on the last packet 3A which is "appearing".
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