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Everything posted by ptitlaby

  1. Hello I plan to create a 9 characters bot party. My main problem at the moment is the memory It'll use on my computer. When botting, I don't plan to do anything else but I wonder if my Comptuer could handle a full party : 1/ Using L2walker Ingame 2/ Using L2walker Oog 3/ Using L2net ingame 4/ Using L2net oog It's not about the use of the programs, I master L2net and L2walker enough to do what I want Is it not too hard even with one client ingame and 8 oog ? My computer specs are : 4096 Gb Ram DDR3 T7500 Dual Core 2.20Ghz Geforce 8600MGT If anyone has advice, thanks :)
  2. I sent you a private message :)
  3. Just a quick question . Each time I try to put a sell/buy shop on Retail, the Program crashes. It's impossible to use L2net to put shop ? :( (I use Oog)
  4. We will never see those files I think, except if they sell them and if they do that It'll cost a lot :/ Tbh, I'm happy to play on L2 off gracia final 100% retail :D
  5. I got more info too, rumors which said that these files are areal, but the admin of Rpgclub has received menaces from some Russian members if he spreads the files :)
  6. Works on Retail servers (www.lineage2.com) Great Share ty !
  7. Hum not exactly Gracia Final Files could be find in the net like the C4 Files 2 or 3 years ago, but this time the leak was in russia and I'm searching for those files ><
  8. Hello every body I would like to know if somebody found the Gracia Final Russian Datapack which was "stolen" If I'm in the wrong section just say it :D ty :)
  9. Or because somebody leaked the Source Code ? Btw I see Dragon Hunter banned, so I don't know what it's going on
  10. Hello Guys I read the whole topic and this bug seems to work only on L2Off Server, on the early IL Server ? I tested it on L2Tns and It didn't work for me, may be I did sthg wrong Anybody tried it on L2j server ?
  11. L2off servers are made with Official Files, and it's really rare to find a good exploit on Official servers (2 in one years, Infinite Items and Drac Bow +16 with Critical Slow) L2j are "home made" by others developpers, and they can't think about everything :p
  12. Between Antharas and Valakas ? Valakas for sure Between all epics ? Valakas for Nukers, QA + Baium for Fighters
  13. I prefers Elfs But a I voted for humans : Tons of Duelist/Paladin and a lot of prophet XD
  14. This bug was well known on L2Java Private French servers about one years ago : You didn't get the Grade penalty until you lvl 52 or equip/desequip items. As far as I know, this bug has been corrected on all French servers I tried, so I guess L2J and L2Jfree found how to fix that Ty for share anyway :D
  15. Thanks for Share, I'll try it on some servers laters
  16. Ok so if I understand well, this program says "Hey I could use letters from A to Z" "Hey I could use numbers from 0 to 9 too ! That's great Let's make some combinaisons ! Let's try a1 a2 a3 a4 ...." ? (sorry for the "the program says" :p)
  17. Ok here is something you may change ^^" : During the attack the Administrator banned my ip and the program shutdown "Microsoft Windows : This program shutdown automatically Windows is searching solutions blablabla" Instead of making the program crash, is it possible to simply stop it ? ^^"
  18. Thanks for the update DragonHunter I'll try it on some servers, and if I have any error I'll post them here x) Thanks again ^^ But I still have a question : How do the password compilation works ? I know that Bruteforces attacks often use Dictionnary and test each word, but is your method different for generating password ?
  19. If this tool works, you will not need to hack accounts. You could do what you want to others with an access to the SQL Database, and what you want on your character About the speed. I tried two servers. For the one, it was really fast to try password, but for the second it's really slow :p So i guess it depends of server
  20. Downloading, I'll try it thanks :D
  21. I don't think so. L2Control used to emulate pression on keyboard touch, like a real player do it. It's detectable if you use it with a lot of people around of course (Oh a Player fishing for 8 hours and not speaking, he is really special !) But there is nothing special like L2walker or other programs which send directly packets with the action. I don't know if you understand me sorry XD Hum I heard that, but it's only for Official Russian Server no ?
  22. If I understand well, It works everywhere and nobody on the server will see your Adena-Art. This program send packets only to the client to show the picture as it's real, but it's not real ^^"
  23. [Hidden Content]
  24. Thanks for the Share man, But I think the xzcrk.exe is missing on the Archive Oog for Vista ^^"
  25. I don't know if it's Well known, I didn't see here before Btw I don't expect sthg from this post, just some fun xD And yes you could clean the whole chat with that ^^
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