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Everything posted by ptitlaby

  1. Hello It's just a funny trick I found on Retails Server. It works on L2 Off Server, and all L2J Server :o so the trick is just to write " \n " without the " \n = One Blank Line \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n = 12 Blank Lines The only restriction you have is the maximum number you could write in the Box, so you could write a lot of lines It's totally usefull of course, buf I think that it's fun It works on all channels (Normal, Whisper, Trade, Shout, Ally, Clan) For exemple, to flood the Trade Channel juste write +\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n I don't know why but others people don't like it xD Enjoy :) PS : 50 Posts could be too high, Say it to me if I must put less posts
  2. Hello Men and Women I'm trying to use L2phx since ... 4/5 minutes on a Lineage II Gracia Final Server. My first aim is to "hack" their GMshop. This GMshop has been done with multisell, so I think it's possible to buy Oe'd item So as soon as I buy an item (a Leather Helmet for Example) , I get this packet : I tried to send this packet to the server, sucessfully ! I could buy item without being near the shop. Ok I know it's pretty useless but It's a begin =) I want know to know how work this packet. I heard that 6th and 7th Group of Number/Letters (here : 80 1A) are for OE, but theses numbers are not null. I tried to change others items, What I found is how to buy item number 1,2,3,4 or 5 in the Multisell ^^ I found that the number in Yellow are the quantity ^^ So I would like to know what I must modify to buy item directly +3 for example (I just need +45621 to be roxxxor, just want to avoid farm =)
  3. Omfg It's seem so incredible :o But I don't understand how it'll work :o You are "injecting" game to send false packets to servers but totally undetectable cause they are like "retail" packets ?
  4. [Hidden Content]
  5. [Hidden Content]
  6. [hide] Thanks a lot, even if I thought I already test it by myself and I got an error after the Teleport but I'll test If it works very good, +1 karma ofc [/hide@
  7. Theses files are now Gracia Final Server Files I just want to know if there are the files stolen in Russia ? or It's your work ?
  8. It's not so hard : Decrypt your system folder, check that id used for the armor are not used in gracia final, if no, paste lines and re encode
  9. [Hidden Content] @for fuers and L][unlimited : Don't flood the topic with post like "it's too much" "i can't see" etc.... it's the best way to get -1 karma
  10. So the best way is to test all servers one by one ? =)
  11. Ty TheEnd I found that my error 10061 comes from the fact that serveur doesn't accept external connections. Is it possible to avoid that ? I thought of using this server as proxy and then launch Navicat
  12. Ok I read the whole post and I need some explanations, so I'll write what I understood, tell me if I'm wrong :) This exploit use the fact that admins often choose root/root as login/mdp and the default port for Mysql Db is 3306. If the login/mdp is not root/root, we must use a Bruteforcer to find the mdp. You gived a Wordlist and some links for some Bruteforcer, what is the approximate time for you to break a pwd (with a $$$$$ Computer or a Standart Computer ?) The Default port for Mysql Db is always 3306 ? If not we must scan ports, I guess I must find all ports which are open ? Thanks for your help, I still have some errors with Navicat (oftenly the 10061 error) but I'll suceed ^^
  13. Hello Men, This "bug" seems to be fixed on L2J and L2Jfree server since Gracia Part 1 I'm looking for more informations if you have any Thanks
  14. There is n o problem, and a friend found my error today : I use "name=chantetriggerskill" and this command doesn't exist with the Core I use, I made a custom mix with Gracia Final Core Thanks all for your help, I close the topic
  15. Gracia plus is the next update after Gracia Part 3, it's like a patch like Kamael +, and it'll be live on Korean Server in 2 days (or today) Here is a resume of the patch note : Un résumé du premier patch note
  16. For my Datapack , The revision I use is the 5988 one , just before L2J switched to Gracia Final Support
  17. I think it's the same problem with Lineage II "Off" servers which are build on C4 leaked files
  18. Yep, but Zanderico said that it's not the Part 3 Server, so I guess he found others parts :o
  19. So we could hope than in one two months we will get them xD
  20. There is the problem, books don't work anymore and I'm still searching why, I did a "back up" erasing all my work but there is no new effect
  21. It seems to be normal from a russian site XD
  22. I'll try ty, but it's only HTML or the full pack ? Edit : I hate russian site even with google translate XD i can't find any link to dll, only name, could you pm me plz Zanderico ?
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