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Everything posted by Formate

  1. mmorpg, Ultima online rpg, chrono trigger probably
  2. Pirates of the caribbean, all 3
  3. Formate

    Your Location

    beautiful places <.< sweden, gothenburg ]
  4. i agree! Tekken, Soul Calibur are my favourites some rpg ones like dynasty warriors are alright too
  5. lol nice xD good way to kill time when ure bored =p
  6. wow.. thanks alot! will help alot with these, trying to do some sigs
  7. I dont know about weapon but SA-wise i would probably go haste for the faster reuse on skills or focus to crit more often
  8. Only been hero with soulhound for about 3-4 periods was a while back though
  9. most i reached was only about 2200 pvp / like.. 50 pks? on L2Paradise
  10. if i would follow that list it would be lineage2 but or else i gotta say Ultima Online, probably most oldschool
  11. Starcraft 2 seems like, imo, some kind of combination of wc3 and something else.... C&C+Red Alert? It doesnt seems like that unique Starcraftish like what the 1st was <.< but hell yea definately try it! isnt blizzard getting loads of money off wow?
  12. sounds interesting! lineage 3. o.o l2 is already so d*mn nice! wonder how l3 will be... but 2011... same date as Blade & soul right... >_< ah.. would like to try both
  13. Cool there was a review here! thanks, really looking forward to it! watched it the whole time when i was a kid... gotta try the game! xD wonder if it will be p2p or free?
  14. soul calibur for sure! love these fighting games... waiting for tekken :D
  15. heres a clip on dbz online yea! UOs oldschool! =p played it for a couple of years.. really enjoyed it and the pvp is so awesome there
  16. Oh yea.. i remember l2extreme... was probably the one i enjoyed most.. Titan ftw! :D i did join up with some friends on l2revenge later thought but cause of the sudden mistake-wipe we all quit T_T... really miss l2x... had so much fun there
  17. there was a recent study that actually said that those who download alot of music actually buys alot too, so it wouldnt hurt the music industry. that was what the study said but who knows
  18. id definately say Lineage2. first, i really dont like grinding that much, so only play high rated, although i never tried wow, but i hate the graphics. gives me a feeling of pokemon+barbie >_<... i seen friends play wow though, like those 3-5hours raids, would be too long for me
  19. i have to agree with the list! Kaspersky is the best i thought zone alarm was only a firewall and not an antivirus?
  20. last time i checked blade & soul was going to be released in 2011 or something like that o.o game looks awesome though! seems like a unique gameplay but no, wont leave l2!
  21. Formate

    ANIME !!

    There will be a new FMA serie right? =O wonder what the difference is. mines gotta be Code Geass Season 1 & 2, probably the best one ive seen so far. Hard to find good animes lately imo =s
  22. mmorpgs, probably Lineage2 and Ultima online kept me sitting hour after another x.x i did play megaman legend on ps1 pretty much too when i was younger x.x
  23. Ultima online gotta be the one where u can do the most things imo! oldschool but the graphics are pretty bad... gameplay, especially the PvP is such a perfection. Since no item is alike another (except basic crafted shit from blacksmiths which has no bonus usually, makes it really good or else Lineage2! any date on when the dbz online will be out? =O p2p?
  24. 1. Lineage 2 2. Ultima Online 3. Starcraft 4. Sword of the new world (good one if u dont have much time!) 5. Tekken 6. Soul Calibur 7. Pristontale 8... 9... 10...
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