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Everything posted by valen8110

  1. hmmm to bad still dont have enought post hiks hiks
  2. buff isnt verry effective. u have to change the max hp often maybe u can use the l2divine. they have bufflevel detect tq
  3. neone have necromancer quest script ?
  4. focus. crit yummy help u alot
  5. SR of course :D Stun hit n run
  6. pk :d alot of bots are killed :D
  7. neone can tell me where i learn hot to bypass this gg its so annyoing CT2.2
  8. wahahhahahah its so interesting so creative ^^ to bad my connection not verry good when playing international games
  9. hiks i just reinstalled my pc so dunt have adobe plugin :(
  10. hmmm i still dunno what the necro good at but i intend to make one coz alot of ppls said that necro great at pvp
  11. alot of information there. but still cant find what i need anyone know how to make the player name n vending tittle invisible ? in the past event theres one player teach me how to do that but i already forgot bout it neone know ? tq b4
  12. thnx for the guide. this tread will help me alot
  13. hmmm not sure . but guess u can just add your server @ set.ini file its worked if the server dont have extra protection for it. sorry cant help much coz im a noobs :D
  14. lol my bot never passed lvl 56 its always been jailed by gm. but for the lvl 40 o guess lienrik better in heine
  15. im not familiar with l2 net but guess i have to try it to save my time :D
  16. thnx for the share. i will try it soon :D
  17. lol what a great idea ahahah in my server there are ppls using trick like this they switch the price with the quantity ie Shop Tittle : SSD @12 but in the store : quantity 12 prire 1000 sometimes u get tricked lol
  18. dunt like it either here. meant i have to find a new bot. *frustated
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