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Everything posted by Caccolino

  1. The char re-use the seed if not sowned but when mob is dead it don't use the harvester, why? Is this set-up correct? I'm not good in using this bot; please be as much specific as you can, thanks :)
  2. Hi guys i want to sell items on l2 dragon for items on l2 eola or €, i have Vnhf +8 full element vesper fighter +9 health/foundation jewel vorpal and more bilion who want anythings contact me.. all cheap
  3. Hi guys i want to sell vnhf all +8 full element vesper fighter-gale health +9 jewel vorpal and more bilion on l2 dragon for item on l2 eola or €
  4. More ppl botting on l2 dragon but... wich program they use? If u have the programm link download pls
  5. Hello guys, what is the best (or a good) duo for high five for farm/pvp? We was thinking Elven helder + spell singer. Other advice? Please motivate your answer thx :)
  6. Hello guys, i was thinking to start playing on an H5 Server. I dont remember nothing about this chronicle. Me and a friend was thinking to start, Eva saint is an avaible class speaking on END GAME, i mean full gear! We was thinking like eva saint + spell singer!
  7. It worked, thx man you are a very good person ;). For the other peoples that are trying to log in L2.ru, do exactly what he wrote. To suspend processes download Process Explorer. Have Fun ^^
  8. Sorry if i thought that this forum was for help each other. On L2 Redemption you can log in normally, without do any alteration, just turn off antivirus. Now anyone can help us to know the way to use Adrenaline on Lineage.ru? Thanks.
  9. your answer is useless why you replied?
  10. So can anyone explain good how to use adrenaline on Lineage.ru, because this thread is for Lineage.ru not for Redemption (where botting is easy). I want to know how to bypass shield.exe, i tried to kill the process but it will show up again, i tried to suspend the process but nothing, i got disconnect on the chars selection.
  11. Virus Scan??
  12. 5x, retail like L2OFF.
  13. Hello, I started to play on an High Five server. I never played on this chronicle and i don't know what/where farm. I'm Cardinal 85 with A grade equip (:L). So now i need these infos: 1 - Where Cardinal can solo farm? I tried Antharas lair on Drakos assasin (lethal), but it's hard. 2 - There are special quests that i can do at 85 for some equips? 3 - Best way to farm Adena on this chronicle? Thank you, Bye
  14. l2 DEX DUELIST LVL 85
  15. not bad features when it will go on live i'll give a try
  16. ppls on ?
  17. I'll try
  18. comment like\dislike on youtube pl0x
  19. [L2OFF] Oly Server HighFive +6 Gear JB And ETC everything free .... instant lvl 85
  20. http://www.skirmishpvp.com/ all free and gm fix if u report bug
  21. Duelist lvl 85 3subclass certification and lvl 81 + skills ... good geared pm me with screen and everything
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