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Everything posted by Caccolino

  1. for oly light + weapon health for pvp light + focus weapon
  2. http://www.skirmishpvp.com/ Duelist match are from l2 emerald RU server
  3. FIXED I'll play a lot of class i don't think will be boring if u are kidding about it :D
  4. Class in the video: gh \ saggitarius \ necro \ trickster \ duelist \ sorceror \ warlord \hell knight COMMENT!!!!....
  5. [Request] AUTO CP :happyforever:
  6. this work only in fail servers
  7. I Request a tutorial for sony vegas... about effect zoom and something other :D thanks all
  8. have fun and comment :D we don't had shillien of faith in this video anyway :troll:
  9. :forever alone like a boss:
  10. no one reply :forever alone like a boss:
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4oVL7JV100 >:D ^-^ comment
  12. thanks for your help but i'm looking for something advanced
  13. someone have some tutorial about edit for windows live movie maker ? :D
  14. good daupsa :D icanotwinamatch here :D
  15. have u some tutorial ?? or can u teach me i'm looking for something better xD!
  16. thankyou guys :D
  17. L2 Skirmish Duelist Oly Game my first edited video comment :D i hope u like it
  18. nice features i'll give a try
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