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Everything posted by Sighed

  1. By the way, the current account creation scripts should work with a lin2db for Gracia Final, i mean there are some changes in the lin2db but most things remain the same. Am i right Mr. Mac ?
  2. :LOL: So you basically are too lazy to do it by yourself ?
  3. Dude or you start reading, searching and writing in a proper English what we won't have a problem to understand or we will quit answering your questions. We are trying to help you and you are so ignorant that you can't understand that.
  4. L2Off don't sux, only people with 0 will to start learning.
  5. You are playing on a L2J server with auto-account creation, something, hmm that NOBODY did in l2off, and i doubt you or your friends did it.
  6. He could add the drop to the mob, but it seems to be too dificult to open a text file with a notepad. Also with Vanganth Ext (its a customer) he could search inside the forums about the extended //announce2 but seems as you say, search function is something new to him.
  7. No he is not kidding. Its a C1 modded to accept other protocols, almost everything is missing.
  8. www.hauthd.org hGuard From hint, all you need.
  9. I've been talking with few people and yes he is selling Vanganth/Kation files, but they are not cracked, so buying them is useless, well if you know someone or you know how to crack stuff then it might be worth it, but i think is better getting a license and spend the 50 bucks on updates.
  10. Check this item and how its done. item_begin etcitem 6009 [ingredient_pouch3] item_type=etcitem slot_bit_type={none} armor_type=none etcitem_type=none recipe_id=0 blessed=0 weight=0 default_action=action_capsule consume_type=consume_type_stackable initial_count=1 maximum_count=20 soulshot_count=0 spiritshot_count=0 reduced_soulshot={} reduced_spiritshot={} reduced_mp_consume={} immediate_effect=1 price=0 default_price=0 item_skill=[s_ingredient_pouch_3] critical_attack_skill=[none] attack_skill=[none] magic_skill=[none] item_skill_enchanted_four=[none] material_type=liquid crystal_type=none crystal_count=0 is_trade=1 is_drop=1 is_destruct=1 physical_damage=0 random_damage=0 weapon_type=none can_penetrate=0 critical=0 hit_modify=0 avoid_modify=0 dual_fhit_rate=0 shield_defense=0 shield_defense_rate=0 attack_range=0 damage_range={} attack_speed=0 reuse_delay=0 mp_consume=0 magical_damage=0 durability=0 damaged=0 physical_defense=0 magical_defense=0 mp_bonus=0 category={} enchanted=0 html=[item_default.htm] equip_pet={0} magic_weapon=0 enchant_enable=0 can_equip_sex=-1 can_equip_race={} can_equip_change_class=-1 can_equip_class={} can_equip_agit=-1 can_equip_castle=-1 can_equip_castle_num={} can_equip_clan_leader=-1 can_equip_clan_level=-1 can_equip_hero=-1 can_equip_nobless=-1 can_equip_chaotic=-1 item_end And his skill. skill_begin skill_name=[s_ingredient_pouch_3] /* [샜쁽쁘 샼뀸냈] */ skill_id=2174 level=3 operate_type=A1 magic_level=1 effect={{i_restoration_random;{{{{[lava_stone];1}};20};{{{[volcanic_ash];2}};20};{{{[quicksilver];2}};20};{{{[moonstone_shard];1}};40}}}} is_magic=2 mp_consume2=0 item_consume={[ingredient_pouch3];1} cast_range=-1 effective_range=-1 skill_hit_time=0 skill_cool_time=0 skill_hit_cancel_time=0 reuse_delay=0 attribute=attr_none effect_point=0 target_type=self affect_scope=single affect_limit={0;0} next_action=none ride_state={@ride_none;@ride_wind;@ride_star;@ride_twilight} skill_end I recommend you using it as an example, or taking it as a base and modifying it to create a new one. By the way remember that the effect gives these items randomly so you have to make the chance higher.
  11. You could extend cached and add a new function and use the 2012 port. Or extend l2server and add a new builder command. Or basically change value in DB but that change won't be set until you restart the cached.
  12. This PHP is for Hint's hAuthD (http://www.hauthd.org) Enjoy. <?php class ServerStatus { private $ip, $port, $interval, $timeout; public function __construct($ip = '', $port = 2106, $interval = 30, $timeout = 1) { $this->ip = $ip; $this->port = $port; $this->interval = $interval; $this->timeout = $timeout; } public function GetStatusFromAuth() { $status = array(); $f = @fsockopen($this->ip, $this->port, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout); if ($f) { do { $sec = floor($this->timeout); $msec = ($this->timeout - $sec) * 1000; socket_set_timeout($f, $sec, $msec); $buf = fread($f, 2); if (strlen($buf) != 2) break; $a = unpack('vsize', $buf); $size = $a['size'] - 2; if ($size < 1) break; $buf = fread($f, $size); if (strlen($buf) != $size) break; fwrite($f, "\x03\x00\xFE", 3); $buf = fread($f, 2); if (strlen($buf) != 2) break; $a = unpack('vsize', $buf); $size = $a['size'] - 2; if ($size < 1) break; $buf = fread($f, $size); if (strlen($buf) != $size) break; if (ord($buf[0]) != 0xFE) break; if (strlen($buf) < 3) break; $amount = ord($buf[1]) + ord($buf[2]) * 256; $buf = substr($buf, 3); if (strlen($buf) != $amount * 4) break; $a = unpack('v' . ($amount * 2), $buf); for ($i = 0; $i < $amount; $i++) $status[$a[$i * 2 + 1]] = $a[$i * 2 + 2]; } while (false); fclose ($f); } return $status; } public function GetStatus() { $fn = dirname(__FILE__) . '/status.txt'; $status = array(); fclose(fopen($fn, 'a+b')); $f = @fopen($fn, 'r+b'); if ($f) { flock($f, LOCK_EX); $cache = unserialize(fread($f, 1024)); $status = @$cache['status']; $time = @$cache['time']; if (!IsSet($status) || !IsSet($time)) { $status = array(); $time = 0; } if (time() - $time > $this->interval) { $new = $this->GetStatusFromAuth(); foreach ($status as $id => $value) { $c = &$status[$id]; $c['on'] = false; $c['cur'] = 0; } foreach ($new as $id => $value) { if (!IsSet($status[$id])) $status[$id] = array('on' => false, 'cur' => 0, 'max' => 0); $c = &$status[$id]; $c['on'] = true; $c['cur'] = $new[$id]; if ($c['cur'] > $c['max']) $c['max'] = $c['cur']; } $cache = array('status' => $status, 'time' => time()); $s = serialize($cache); rewind($f); ftruncate($f, 0); fwrite($f, $s, strlen($s)); } fclose($f); } return $status; } public function GetText($id, $online, $offline) { $status = $this->GetStatus(); if (IsSet($status[$id])) $c = &$status[$id]; else $c = array('on' => false, 'cur' => 0, 'max' => 0); $res = str_replace(array('%c', '%m'), array($c['cur'], $c['max']), $c['on'] ? $online : $offline); return $res; } } $status = new ServerStatus(''); $online = 'Status: <b><font color="#00AA00">ONLINE</font></b> | Players: <b>%c</b> | Record: <b>%m</b>'; $offline = 'Status: <b><font color="#FF0000">OFFLINE</font></b> | Players: <b>%c</b> | Record: <b>%m</b>'; echo $status->GetText(1, $online, $offline); //1 - ServerID ?>
  13. BigGreen, its a scam ? a dVampire HB 1.75 ? or Coep but with other name ?
  14. Wild Beast Reserve and Hot Springs, wasn't done before,they are C5 clan hall, just beacause there is some information in the castledata.txt doesn't mean the AI or the mini-game is properly working. Replacing won't fix anything.
  15. Many bugs left there, as ThreadPipe crash and other issues, like dupes and other exploits working. So i don't recommend this for a live server, well no FREE pack is good for a live server, it means no updates and no way of fixing the stuff, of course if you make your own extender it will be free, but i bet my ass you don't know anything about it.
  16. Smeli pack, is C1 based, so almost everything is missing, castle sieges, SSQ, and other stuff.
  17. L2Mind domain owner, chech information, he pretends to be German, and is a Spaniard. So im starting to think, his server is a true L2JFrozen, if he isn't German and is a Spaniard named Pablo, means amelie from this post http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=252506.75 is right. Check posts, http://www.l2jfrozen.com/index.php?action=profile;area=showposts;u=1933 of a guy with a username pablo699, start reading, and put everything together, and you will have even more lies.
  18. More lies. First picture taken from http://l2mind.com/en/?paginas=staff and 2nd from domaintools.
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