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Everything posted by Sighed

  1. The point is this rand function doesn't exist in most NPC AI's, thats why i pointed to an extender, less headaches. And he uses a paid extender so asking for some kind of feature shouldn't be hard for him.
  2. COEP isn't shit at all, COEP its just outdated and nobody works on it, for learning about L2Server structure and other crap in l2server is useful. I learned a lot with it and now, im working on my own with GF. And for februar28 he was answering his questions, as you may noticed you are not the only one in this topic.
  3. Well, i never used that function, maybe cause its pain in the ass, and i don't think ALL the NPC's use it. So in most cases isn't search and replace, but rewrite the AI, FOR EXAMPLE of quests like "A Game Of Cards" or "Seductive Whispers" changing those... How many ? 30 NPC's maybe ? Its a pain in the ass. And i highly doubt that he will do it.
  4. You need to find something like this in the AI. push_const XXXX push_const 1 func_call 184746111 // func[GiveItem1] where XXXX is the Item_ID.
  5. Changing database won't do much, you need manually or through a script move all the data from one database to the other.
  6. What do you mean it doesn't generate it properly ? It stops working ? It doesn't finishes the initial Auto-Analysis ?
  7. No, it isn't. It's like trying to run a server on a VPS.
  8. Sublimity didn't make any downgrade, they just made a huge Client/Textures/Systextures patch, so you are still connecting to a GF server, with GF features and GF system, skills and so on, the formulas changed a lot since Interlude, you just have to check the skills to see you are playing a customized GF.
  9. He means Visual C++ Runtime Environment Redistributable files. But Win8 seems a very remote posibility, its good for a tablet, but not for a server or PC.
  10. If you are using Vanganth files, which are C4 based, you should find the AI / Quest Development Kit from smeli, it has the tools needed to work with, as for SuperPoint, i think i wrote a buggy editor, is on a HDD just need to find which one, i made some cleanup and im not sure if i still have it.
  11. I recommend you decompiling the AI and working in NASC code and compile it again. It will make your work easier.
  12. For C4 based assemblies yes, for newer im not sure.
  13. L2Off ? My Ass. http://lameguard.com/index_en.html Lameguard is a L2J protection system, for Java assemblies. So this server is a 100 % L2J. Damn liar.
  14. I recommend buying this product, works nice, it makes my job easier with scripts and AI.
  15. Yeah, you will also be surprised that Express versions don't allow connection from outside.
  16. You have to write the source lol. The creation of an extender has that funny part. You have to write it. Compiling and attaching a code wrote by someone else doesn't equals to "Making An Extender"
  17. There are no full files lol. There are always some glitches or bugs to fix, ask Vanganth or Fred for a license. And there is no OFF language, there are only scripts and AI + NASC. If we talk about extenders its C++ and ASM.
  18. Best way is to find the L2Server Guard Stack function, that is pressent in almost every function in l2server, and then use the cross reference and you will see all functions where the Guard Stack is present, then is just renaming the functions in IDA.
  19. Only scripts where leaked, i bet nobody has them, well i think some developers around extended the Gracia Final files and made them work with freya scripts and systems but that its other story.
  20. I used last killer so its probably wrong, but well, im just learning xD
  21. If i remember well, that was fixed sometime ago, so somebody is working on really old COEP src :LOL: Nobody did, but if you start learning, you find a way through, of course getting the smallest result took me months xD
  22. There is a class manager already shared at the [sHARE], so i think a simple copy and paste in plain text files + AI, is to trivial for him, its an insult in my opinion for him. By the way on what you base your "HellBound" ? On COEP ? I could paste here some codes for the auto-pickup shit system, but its not my business.
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