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Everything posted by d0ds™

  1. OKay.. I give you a scenario, you want to transform one of your guard. for example; the ID is 63923, insert new data to your sql table "fake_pcs" add the given ID to the table, restart your server, and spawn 63923
  2. I cannot remember the topic name and the app name, but the picture is in my mind.. its kinda black background and not classic appearance application and its just like this one and it do changing color for message and update the systemmsg-e.dat. btw: its great help for client dev! thanks! [edit] yeah... I found it! here they are.. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=182584.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=188088.0
  3. for what chronicles? good work dud! P.S. where is your karma? EDIT hmmm... I think the generated SQL file when it will execute will having an issue in different chronicles, with this statement it could be possible to have a mismatch column. I suggest you will specify the column head and include it to the generated SQL sample and modify every server armor table with allow null to every column to avoid unsuccessfully execution of the sql, where other column head is not included to be inserted some values I hope you get my point ;) keep it going dud!
  4. USE THIS and install the latest Java JDK and JRE. you will hove no problem! ;)
  5. I think there is something like this... I'll try to find it..
  6. I think you have a problem in loging in with the different server version to client.. Okay: 1st: use eclipse to checkout and compile the latest rev for Aion Unique. *I think most of AION Emu is the same source. SVN: http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/ae-go/trunk 2nd: download this bin32 and launcher... Launcher: http://www.4shared.com/file/f4hd7qxi/bin32.html Important the server revision must meet to the client version. note: you don't need to change anything except database and network configs. more tutorial --> aion-unique
  7. anyway... its nice to see new things beyond the bridge.. btw, its your opinion.. @LordNicolaS nice share man.. its good to adopt since its Christmastime! thanks for share! [edit] I'm curious, why is it you share SQL file only? how about the textures or client files?
  8. Preview? I think its not allowed! btw: its good apps.. I hope you can provide language selection to make it global!
  9. hey dude.. can you share to me the ID of that armor and helmet? :D
  10. any explanations how to use it and for what file of AION is this?
  11. hmmm... testing.. I hope I will not get stuck in create character only.. :D thanks for share anyways...
  12. use this. start bin32\aion.bin -ip: -port:2106 -cc:1 -lang:fra -noauthgg -noweb I hope it will help you.. @the server AION I think this server is just for Login, Create Account, and Create Character only, after that nothing..
  13. hmmm.. I think its okay... I use latest Freya Rev.. and no errors!
  14. I think I know that Lightning?... hmmm.. btw.. good concept!
  15. wow... its a good idea making this mods! BTW, what chronicles?
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