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Everything posted by Levi4than

  1. Hello guys...I was premium member in l2dream Private Project and with a little help from a friend developer from there i got source and last revision pack!! So here we are...This pack is Gracia Final and all quest have been made in java(no scripts)... It is very good pack for pvp because have many customs and also many fixes!!Lets see some features!! Comunity board original and pvp(in pvp have more functions) Portable Class Manager Auto anounces 9 Events Automated/Manual Comunity board pvp have gm shop,buffer,teleporter.save teleport location like l2off,classmanager,vip shop,Email system and etc... Buffer saves your buffs with button and you dont need to change them again Gm Accese working perfect, it haves Event gm,admin,moderator,gm and etc... Custom Starting Levele,Sub lvl Custom Spawn loc. Vitality System working 100% Spoil System Wedding System Fake players System(It depends from the players loged, its +30% fake players) Lottery System Fishing System and much more.... AND HERE ARE SOME OF THE CUSTOM COMMANDS: [.lang] You can change the clinet language from rus/En (You can add more htmls in other languages) [.lockip] You can lock your ip to database and others ip cant conect with your acount(You neeed static ip) [.exp] You can buy your exp with adena or special coins [.Password] You can change the password inside from the game [.repair] If your char is stucked somewhere or in login screen just type hes name there and will teleport to the near vilage!! [.WhoIam] It shows your stats (Base,stats,password etc.) [.help] It shows html with your needs [.come-al-to-me] All clan members comes to clan leader [.open/close] For clan hall and castles owners to open/close the doors! And much more commands..... Here are some ScreenShots: http://img641.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=shot00000y.jpg http://img534.imageshack.us/i/shot00009np.jpg/ http://img704.imageshack.us/i/shot00012gy.jpg/ http://img534.imageshack.us/i/shot00009np.jpg/ http://img396.imageshack.us/i/shot00016.jpg/ Here is the the website or project www.l2dream.su All this + 1 month Timeline updates i sell it 120 euros with Source!! Send me a pm who want to buy it!
  2. I was working with MeLady an LiamXroy on theris server when was interlude...Liam is from greece and has a family but also is working on that many years i remember and i dont think so will post for every noob in l2jserver taht registers!!I have a half of that code but still needs work!
  3. Can you stop???You are with -4 karma so you are banned...BB!!!
  4. And you think that all that russina server are so pro and pay for webdesigh and shits???Do talk if you dont know!
  5. Useless is something that you dont need, so this you need it on low rates and mid rates so????Also what credits??Its mine idea!!Dont spam!!
  6. If you like it just say thanks...If you dont like it dont spam then!!
  7. Here is the java how to use Mammon without 7s!!
  8. With few words....Its a shit pack and u should find a new one and updated as it can be updated!!All that shit packs need much work!!
  9. I think yes it is!You have right!
  10. Maybe you :P???
  11. What the f... you are??Hes Lawyer??Shut up!
  12. Only with monay will work on this noob server/pack!
  13. Another 1-2 weeks server!!!GL with your server!
  14. lol??You are saying about balance and bla bla bla...And with this your server will be balanced??I dont think so!!!
  15. -1 Karma for flaming!!Next time will have more!
  16. A shit pack and a noob scammer!!The best choise!!
  17. Great bro!!!!!!!!!I love it!!Do you know any other bugs there??
  18. I think yes!!!Every1 is waking up 1 mornig and he thinks what to do and he is opening an project...
  19. Can u upload it in other site??Rapidshare is fucked up!!!!!!
  20. Why this server is double topic posted??I will report it!!
  21. Epic fail your server!!Full heroes, unbalanced, and full coruption!!Better open 1 pacman!
  22. Great work bro, and nice song!!!But in startup of video you spend 3 mints for shits!!
  23. Kane me add sto msn mou!Darkrager@hotmail.com
  24. Epic fail this server!!And i believe that is home made and you canot spend 10 dollars for 1 domain?>?
  25. Kamia gkomena na sou kanei aera otan Managareis ton server theleis??? http://www.worldstream.nl/ pare pc apo edw!!!
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